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Re: 2014 TV Show Draft Showcase Thread
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2014, 06:31:12 PM »

Offline Redz

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Here's my crew.  I'll work on a write up later if I have the energy.  I have some stuff to do for work and I'd like to watch the Pats.  Sadly I won't have the creative depth of my counterparts.

Redz Six Feet Under the Knife
Lead: David Fisher, Six Feet Under
Love Interest: B.A. Baracus, The A Team
Funny Person: Sheila Jackson, Shameless
Best Friend: The Fonz, Happy Days
Badass:  Lt. Norman Buntz, Hill Street Blues
Mentor: Wilson W. Wilson Jr, Home Improvement
Wildcard: Dexter Morgan, Dexter
Primary Antagonist: Al Bundy, Married With Children
Secondary Antagonist: Sideshow Bob, The Simpsons
Theme Song: Henry Rollins Show Theme

Theme song, a slightly extended version of the Henry Rollins Show opener (starts at :25)

Re: 2014 TV Show Draft Showcase Thread
« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2014, 07:40:49 PM »

Offline indeedproceed

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Beyond The Reach
(please play as you read)
Protagonist: Raylan Givens, Justified, Timothy Olyphant
Love Interest: Sarah Manning, Orphan Black, Tatiana Maslany
Best Friend: Hoban "Wash" Washburne, Firefly, Alan Tudyk
Funny Guy: Martin Payne, Martin, Martin Lawrence
Badass: Daryl Dixon, The Walking Dead, Norman Reedus
Mentor: Al Swearengen, Deadwood, Ian McShane
Wildcard: Echo, The Dollhouse, Eliza Dushku
Primary Antagonist: Captain Jean-Luc Picard, SIR Patrick Stewart
Secondary Antagonist: Seth Bullock, Deadwood, Timothy Olyphant
Themesong: Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Red Right Hand

The Earth has been ruined. Pollution and the ensuing climate change have made the planet basically uninhabitable for the next 100,000 years. While many teams of salvagers turn the planet inside out for artifacts, mankind for all intents and purposes moved on in an attempt to preserve the species.

The practical applications of the Mass Exodus had an unintended effect. As with all things since time immemorial, those with money or power were favored. They coerced their way onto ships with the shortest travel-times, or most promising pre-existing ecosystems. They could afford expesive cryo-units that would preserve their bodies without aging, and could afford robotic crews to man the gigantic passenger ships while they and their familes, even their human servants and subordinates, slept in ageless, dreamless, peace.

First the wealthy elite came, and took the best ships, the best equipment, and pointed them towards the planets with the best prospects to sustain life. They brought with them the best people. The beautiful, the brilliant, the strong.

And next came the simply rich, those with enough power and influence to keep the dog in cryosleep too, if you know what I mean. And they took great people with them. Engineers, scientists, the merely 'TV Pretty'.

As more ships went out, the prospects dwindled. Each departing ship would be heading to a destination farther away, less known about the planet they would attempt to inhabit, and worse quality equipment and cryounits to help them with the passage.

It was eventually determined that there was a Mendoza line of sorts between the good planets and the bad planets. Those that could be reached within one lifetime of hyperspace travel without cryosleep were eventually called "Within Reach", while those planets so far away a man could live his whole life and die of old age before he got there were termed, "Beyond Reach".

Once all the planets Within Reach had been assigned, ships began getting assigned to other planets, Beyond Reach. This was the poor, the destitute, and the convicts. People boarding these ships knew that each vessel had a very limited number of cryo-sleep chambers, and even those who got into cryosleep would still age as the ship progressed, due to their shoddy quality. They also couldn't afford the expensive AI powered robots to man the ship while they slept anyways, so many who boarded ships due for destinations "Beyond The Reach" did so knowing that they would die on the journey, their only comfort being that maybe their sacrifice would allow a younger person to live out their life on actual ground, with real air and water, and not spend the next 40 or 50 years of their lives as deck hands on a ship in the endless ocean of space, only to die enroute.

Predictably thei striation of the classes led to very different outcomes. Those planets with settlements equipped with the best of people and property to succeed fared well. The planets with without the means or the knowledge, and after a devastating journey on top of that, did not.

Centuries went by. Those planets counted "Within The Reach" eventually began to band together into 'The Federation Of The Reach". They were closest to one another, and they could trade between planets, they could send military forces when there were disagreements or someone needed "encouragement" towards a course of action. The Federation Of The Reach became a singular power, meant to represent order, discipline, compassion. Except when you disagreed with them. But most people never disagreed with them for long.

Beyond The Reach was a different story. It was life without a saftey net, many areas had little law, if any. Because of the nature of the "Coming Over", many planets were sparsely populated, and settlements few and far between. Some people flourish in these circumstances. Some do not.

Once and a while a ship would arrive on one of the planets from the Reach. People who wanted to escape the Federation for whatever reason, those who wanted a fresh start, or those whose debts were too great within the Reach to stay. Overtime those planets with the most favorable climates Beyond the Reach became oasises of freedom for some, or places of immeasurable cruelty for others.Some people lamented the lawlessness. Some reveled in it. But everyone knew, a man makes his own luck Beyond The Reach.

The Federation has begun to take an interest in the planets Beyond The Reach. Their oppression has begun driving not the fugitives from the law away from the Prime Planets, but even perfectly law-abiding, weathly, smart citizens as well who are looking for a new start. The Planets Beyond begin to see some hope for the first time, an infusion of intelligence and money begins making its self known.

The Federation will not allow this without taking their cut, however, and conflict seems imminent. 

Raylan Givens, Protagonist: Commissioned as a bounty hunter by the Federation to seek out and find names given to him by the Federation. Some of those names are criminals. Some of them are not. Moral amiguity abounds, and not all his names have a "wanted alive" next to them. Raylan struggles with the pressures put on him by the Federation balanced against the obvious agenda he sees playing out against the people from Beyond The Reach.

Sarah Manning, Love Interest: The first kill order Raylan spared, and the first time he began to question the agenda behind the supposedly altrustic Federation, Sarah is the first successful genetically manufactored human being. She's no clone, she's a wholly original entity, manufactured in a off-the-books Federation laboratory Beyond the Reach. She was stolen from the facility as a toddley by a lab assitant she always believed to be her mother, a woman who died not long after her 10th birthday. She was raised in the streets of a poor settlement, a natural con-artist, but one who has begun questioning if there isn't more to life than she once knew. Raylan was sent to kill her, but was unable to Justify it in his own heart and took her aboard as a prisoner, resolving to get the whole story, if not for himself than for her.

Hoban "Wash" Washburne, Best Friend: Raylan's pilot, best friend, and conscience. Wash is no fighter, and though he'll go along with most anything Raylan does, he's not afraid to make a stand against the Bounty Hunter either. Neither Raylan nor Wash is any angel, and both have dark marks in their past, but Wash is probably the more decent human being, lacking Raylan's ruthlessness.

Martin Payne, Funny Guy: Martin is Raylan's chief engineer and mechanic, a born genius but a born rascal, Raylan was sent out to bring him into custody on charges of theft, lewdness, and immoral behavior by the Federation, but Martin convinced him that it was mostly because Martin had figured out something the Federation wouldn't want anyone else knowing about interstellar travel, and about the Mass Exodus that claimed so many of the original settlers Beyond The Reach. "It's just simple physics, man" Martin is fond of saying, and you find out later that near-instantaneous space travel has been possible all along, but the Federation keeps that a secret to keep their boots on the necks of the populace.

Daryl Dixon, Badass: A survivor, a killer, a deceptively loyal shipmate. Raylan needed some local muscle, Daryl took the job. Unbeknownst to Raylan, Daryl had double crossed Raylan, and sold him out. Raylan evaded the betrayal, and still got his mark, like he always does, mostly due to Daryl's last minute change of heart. He saw a man in Raylan that wasn't nice, that wasn't really kind or generous, but who was honorable, and could pay well. That's enough for Daryl.

Al Swearengen, Mentor: Al has been with Raylan for a very long time. Al's bounty is far, far Within The Reach, and can only be collected in person, with a live Al Swearengen. Al is Raylan's retirement plan, but the cost of making such a journey requires a far larger stake than Raylan currently has. Al is a known criminal, for years he ruled over all sorts of vices on Carthain with only a tencaious will to not be defied and a brain smart enough to see the next threat coming before it got there. Raylan nearly died apprehending him, but has a grudging respect for him despite his terrible past. Al respects Raylan, but that won't stop him from putting a knife in his back if it means staying out of the hands of the Federation.

Echo, Wildcard: She's a million different people, and a valued field agent of Raylan's. Acts as a third piece in a love triangle between Raylan, Sarah, and Echo. Echo's versatility makes her a target wherever she goes, as she's wanted by both the Federation and the Corporation who made her into what she is. Raylan protects her, but he's not sure why sometimes.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Primary Antagonist: Raylan's boss, and a man who to all outer appearances seems full of virtue and benevolence. He has a less than favorable opinion of the people from Beyond the Reach however and eventually becomes a foil to Raylan when it is known Raylan has been disobeying orders.

Seth Bullock, Secondary Antagonist: Raylan's younger brother, and a outlaw who defies the Federation at every turn. Beginning the series, Raylan gets word that he is to apprehend and bring in his brother from Picard. Eventually he has the chance, and Raylan can't do it. Seth promises Raylan that before it's all said and done, they'll be on the same side. He's not wrong.

"You've gotta respect a 15-percent 3-point shooter. A guy
like that is always lethal." - Evan 'The God' Turner

Re: 2014 TV Show Draft Showcase Thread
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2014, 08:12:36 PM »

Offline Redz

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a quality theme song IP

Re: 2014 TV Show Draft Showcase Thread
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2014, 08:19:08 PM »

Offline RebusRankin

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I would watch a lot of these shows.

Re: 2014 TV Show Draft Showcase Thread
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2014, 10:23:10 PM »

Offline Redz

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Redz Six Feet Under the Knife
Lead: David Fisher, Six Feet Under
Love Interest: B.A. Baracus, The A Team
Funny Person: Sheila Jackson, Shameless
Best Friend: The Fonz, Happy Days
Badass:  Lt. Norman Buntz, Hill Street Blues
Mentor: Wilson W. Wilson Jr, Home Improvement
Wildcard: Dexter Morgan, Dexter
Primary Antagonist: Al Bundy, Married With Children
Secondary Antagonist: Sideshow Bob, The Simpsons
Theme Song: Henry Rollins Show Theme

Theme song, a slightly extended version of the Henry Rollins Show opener (starts at :25)

The idea here is a comedy/violence cross breed of two roles by the same actor.

David Fisher is your typical gay funeral home director.  His alter ego is Dexter Morgan, serial killer with a code.  He works out of the basement morgue in his house.  A convenient setting, replete with multiple built-in body disposal options.  Fisher was scarred as a youth when he saw his now deceased father working on some corpses in the basement.  Seems his dad, had some bad habits that he tried to keep to himself.  He had a bit of Necro Clown fetish. 

David's neighbor Wilson was always more of a dad than his own secretive father.  A retired cop, he takes young David under his wing and talks him threw his inner demons from seeing his dad for who he really is.  DEAD CLOWNS  :o .  Wilson helps David develop a code for channeling his clown hating murderous urges. 

He develops an alter ego to carry out the code; serial killer of unserious serial killers Dexter Morgan.

His love interest is the rough on the outside, soft on the inside B.A. Baracus.  He is clueless to David/Dexter's killing ways, and only knows him as a slightly conflicted, but good-hearted soulmate.  B.A. has lived hard after being a vet of many mercenary gun-for hire battles, but now he has "settled down" to be a bouncer at a posh night club.

Older brother Fonzie is the coolest of the cool.  Chicks dig him, and guys wanna be like him, but he cries in his pillow at night when no one is around.  He has been known to calm even the most inconsolable funeral patron with a smile, two thumbs up and an "Ayyyyyy".  He is capable of starting the family cremator by simply smacking the side of the wall (much to the chagrin of David, who wants it done by the book).   

His mother is the agoraphobic, over protective Sheila Jackson.  He loves her, but she makes him crazy.  She makes PBJ's for him and maintains an always oddly circumstantial, yet honest blindness to David's alter ego.

His brother's best buddy is hardass cop Norman Buntz.  Buntz has some major suspicions over David's misdoings, but he never can quite catch him in the act.  When he confronts Fonzie with his suspicions, the Fonz just gives him an "ayyyyyyyyy" and Buntz is rendered satisfied. Fonz is that cool.

Season 1's antagonist will be a murder thirsty Al Bundy.  After years of frustration with his family life and dead end shoe sales job, Al takes a cue from his cousin Ted Bundy and starts killing for the joy of it.  He becomes delirious with late nights staring at Bigguns magazines on the throne and starts seeking out buxom victims to add to his treasure chest of chests that he keeps locked up in his man cave.  He piques David's interest when he starts making inquiries at the funeral home for a memorial for his yet to be deceased wife Peg.  After some investigation, David spies Bundy moonlighting as a clown at the local public library's Saturday afternoon kid's show.  (Can you moonlight during the day? with me on this).

Season 2 has David/Dexter chasing after the killin' clown Sideshow Bob.  David needs to save his brother Fonzie from the bloodthirsty clown when Bob feels Fonzie steals the show at the County Fair by jumping over 17 school buses on his Harley.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2014, 10:31:16 PM by Redz »

Re: 2014 TV Show Draft Showcase Thread
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2014, 10:41:23 PM »

Online bdm860

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One Day as a Lion

Synopsis and Overview:  Walter White, forced to make drugs for the Mob, as the Mob (led by Tony Soprano) battles rival criminal organizations the Sons of Anarchy (led by Clay Morrow) and New Life Baptist Church (led by Clay Davis, from the Wire), while at the same dealing with the corrupt police (led by Vic Mackey, from the Shield). 

It’s Breaking Bad meets the Wire meets the Sons of Anarchy meets the Shield.  This is an HBO show (like the Wire and Sopranos).  It's dark and grim.  The characters you at first think are good guys end up being evil and corrupt with few (if any) redeeming qualities.

 Throwing the recommended show structure (lead, mentor, love interest, etc.) out the window and going with an ensemble cast that features 4 Emmy Winners (Walter White, Tony Soprano, Vic Mackey, and Andy Sipowicz).

Cast and Organizations:

White Family:
Father: Walter White (Breaking Bad)
Son: Daniel Desario (James Franco, Freaks and Geeks)

Soprano Crime Family:
Head: Tony Soprano (Sopranos)

Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Gang
Head: Clay Morrow (Ron Pearlman, Sons of Anarchy)
Lackey: Kenny Powers (Danny McBride, Eastbound & Down)

New Life Baptist Church (aka the Black Mob)
Head: Pastor Clay Davis (Isiah Whitlock, Jr., The Wire)
2nd in Command: Deacon Stringer Bell (Idris Elba, The Wire)

The Police
Lead Detective: Vic Mackey (Michael Chiklis, The Shield)
Commanding Officer: Andy Sipowicz (Dennis Franz, NYPD Blue)

Theme Song:

Opening Credit Quote in Episode 1:
"It's better to live one day as a lion, than a thousand years as a lamb."

Detailed Synopsis:
The show opens with a team Police (led by Vic Mackey) about to perform a raid on an illegal drug lab.  Inside Daniel Desario (James Franco) is making drugs for the Mob.  The raid is successful and the Police seize a lot of drugs and money and make a bunch of arrests including lead drug maker Daniel Desario.

Cut to a mob meeting, Tony Soprano is arguing with his subordinates about the loss of a lot of money and supplies, if it can be traced back to them, and how they can recoup their losses and what they feel they’re owed.  They provide some back story how Daniel Desario said he could make top notch drugs claiming he was a chemistry whiz and with a PHd in chemistry being taught chemistry by his father at an early age (really a college dropout using his dad's credentials).  The mob figures they can collect the debt from Daniel’s family and decide to visit him

Cut to Walter White (Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad) teaching high school chemistry.  He gets a call that his son has just been arrested.  He rushes to the prison to talk to him.  While there he asks his son how he got involved  with the Mob making drugs and his son states how he needed money, and he was tired of being a poor college student, and saw how little his dad made, etc.  Then emotionally says “I figured it would be better to walk one day as a lion, than a thousand years as a lamb,” (cuz you got to throw the show title in there).  Walter White tells his son how they have no money for a lawyer or to pay the bills, etc.

Later the mob visits Walter White at home to try to collect their debt and make sure his son doesn't snitch.  While ruffing up White (who is still very timid and mild mannered at this point), they complain about the crappy job his son did of making drugs in the first place, how even if it wasn’t seized by the police it was a crappy product.  White, scared, and with his back literally against the wall starts nervously rambling about chemistry and how the lab was probably too humid and it sounds like his son was cutting with the wrong compound and this chemical would have been better, etc.  The mob then realizes they should forget about trying to collect money, and that they’ve found their new drug maker.  They convince Walter White to make drugs for them by saying how they’ll take care of his son, get a good lawyer, but really leave Walter White no choice.

Back in prison, Daniel Desario is scared, fellow inmate Kenny Powers makes him his female dog.  Life is tough for young Daniel in prison.

On the oustide, Walter White, with his advanced chemistry skills, is quickly able to produce a great product for Tony Soprano and the mob, This gets the attention of rival criminal organizations the Sons of Anarchy motorcycle gang and the New Life Baptist Church (the Black Mob) whose imported drugs aren't nearly as good as what Walter White is now making for the Mob.  These other gangs are upset they're losing market share to the Mob.

Now it turns out the incarcerated Kenny Powers is a member of the Sons of Anarchy, and idiot nephew of their leader Clay Morrow.  Clay Morrow figures they can get Walter White on their team by being friendly with his son, so orders Kenny Powers to take young Daniel under his wing and start treating him like family, rather than treating him like his female dog.

At this point we start to see how corrupt the police really are, and how often they use illegal and unethical tactics.  Vic Mackey is really corrupt, but his boss Andy Sipowicz is shown to be a little more ethical (but still not perfect).  Because of all the illegal practices by the police, the mob lawyer is eventually able to get Walter White’s son out of prison.  Kenny Powers is also released from prison around this time, and Kenny brings Daniel to meet with the Sons of Anarchy, and Daniel eventually starts spending a lot of time with them and considers himself part of the gang.  They use Daniel to talk to his dad Walter White and tell him how his debt to the Mob should have been more than paid by now, how the mob has only compensated him a fraction of what the drugs are worth, that they’ll pay him fairly, how they’ll protect them, etc.  Finally they convince Walter White to come work for them.  This starts a battle between the Mob and the Sons of Anarchy.

During this time we also learn a lot more about the 3rd criminal organization,, the New Life Baptist Church (or the Black Mob), who sometimes allies themselves with the Mob, and sometimes with the Sons of Anarchy.  The New Life Baptist Church, is an African-American mega church led by Pastor Clay Davis (the corrupt Senator from the Wire).  His 2nd in command is Head Deacon Stringer Bell (also from the Wire).  We learn how the police won’t go after them, because they are so well connected politically, and the members of the church represent a major voting block, and would never believe their Pastor and Head Deacon are corrupt and criminal masterminds.  Davis and Bell use the church to launder money and use the outreach ministry to move drugs around the community.

Now with the war between the Mob and Sons of Anarchy, Daniel Desario eventually gets killed, and Walter White realizes that the Sons of Anarchy were just using them and never considered them family after all.  Being in the drug game for a little while now (we’re at least in Season 3 by this point), and seeing his son killed really pushes mild mannered Walter White over the edge, and he now becomes criminal mastermind Walter White (with the bald head).  Realizing he doesn't need the Mob or the Sons of Anarchy or any gang, he breaks off on his own, hires his own muscle, and announces he’ll be supplying his product to the highest bidder, stating it’s better to walk one day as a lion, than walk a thousand as a lamb (the same line his son told him in the beginning).

After 18 months with their Bigs, the Littles were: 46% less likely to use illegal drugs, 27% less likely to use alcohol, 52% less likely to skip school, 37% less likely to skip a class

Re: 2014 TV Show Draft Showcase Thread
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2014, 09:34:29 AM »

Offline slamtheking

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so many good efforts guys.  puts mine to shame.  was hoping to see someone offer a "critic's review" on the content, creativity and casting. 

Re: 2014 TV Show Draft Showcase Thread
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2014, 10:58:49 AM »

Offline indeedproceed

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so many good efforts guys.  puts mine to shame.  was hoping to see someone offer a "critic's review" on the content, creativity and casting. 

I've been through 14 hours of driving and 6 hours of cooking since Friday, havent had time to organize it today. Will try.

"You've gotta respect a 15-percent 3-point shooter. A guy
like that is always lethal." - Evan 'The God' Turner

Re: 2014 TV Show Draft Showcase Thread
« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2014, 01:13:15 PM »

Offline slamtheking

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so many good efforts guys.  puts mine to shame.  was hoping to see someone offer a "critic's review" on the content, creativity and casting. 

I've been through 14 hours of driving and 6 hours of cooking since Friday, havent had time to organize it today. Will try.
TP for taking that on IP.  hopefully this will be more fun than driving

Re: 2014 TV Show Draft Showcase Thread
« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2014, 11:34:36 AM »

Offline ChampKind

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I'm assuming this thing died when IP read my script and went full Amadeus, asking God why He speaks through this loutish oaf (me) and not through His humble servant (IP).

I count this as a win.
CB Draft Bucks: Chris Paul, Dwight Howard, Tobias Harris, Zach LaVine, Aaron Afflalo, Jeff Green, Donatas Motiejunas, Jarrett Jack, Frank Kaminsky, Lance Stephenson, JaVale McGee, Shane Larkin, Nick Young

DKC Bucks. Also terrible.

Re: 2014 TV Show Draft Showcase Thread
« Reply #25 on: October 27, 2014, 05:20:44 PM »

Offline Redz

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I'm assuming this thing died when IP read my script and went full Amadeus, asking God why He speaks through this loutish oaf (me) and not through His humble servant (IP).

I count this as a win.

While we're waiting we could come up with the name for our awards show.

I'm putting forth "The Phlegmmy Awards" as a potential name.

Re: 2014 TV Show Draft Showcase Thread
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2014, 05:56:04 PM »

Offline fairweatherfan

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In hindsight, I would've added more pizza.

Re: 2014 TV Show Draft Showcase Thread
« Reply #27 on: October 27, 2014, 06:51:29 PM »

Offline Eja117

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I just want to ask "What show would get the most rating and generate the most revenue?" I think with the most violence and nudity it's clearly mine.

Re: 2014 TV Show Draft Showcase Thread
« Reply #28 on: October 27, 2014, 08:58:42 PM »

Offline Redz

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I just want to ask "What show would get the most rating and generate the most revenue?" I think with the most violence and nudity it's clearly mine.

I'm tapping into the underdeveloped humor/violence serial drama genre.  I think it will go over wicked well n stuff.

Re: 2014 TV Show Draft Showcase Thread
« Reply #29 on: October 27, 2014, 11:58:13 PM »

Offline KCattheStripe

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I just want to ask "What show would get the most rating and generate the most revenue?" I think with the most violence and nudity it's clearly mine.

Violence and nudity don't generate anywhere near as much money as medical dramas with ridiculously good looking casts.