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Re: CBPL Offseason 2015 Rules Discussion
« Reply #30 on: July 26, 2015, 11:40:54 PM »

Online hpantazo

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I think #1 is a tad vague at the moment.

I agree. We can try to sharpen it up a bit if people have suggestions.
Again, it should really go without saying, but a simple "Treat others with respect.   The commissioner reserves the right to remove anyone from the league at any time for inappropriate conduct" would be my suggestion.

I will sign off on this if pestering somebody after they ask not to be contacted is a bannable offense.
I get what you're saying.  But to be clear, there's a difference between "Oh my god, he sent me one too many trade offers in a fantasy basketball league... oh my god, he thinks my player is worth a 2nd rounder... oh my god, he tried to tell me his fantasy basketball player is worth more than I think he is"  vs... sending vile, disgusting and hateful insults for months and repeatedly escalating the level of harassment after repeated requests to stop. 

To be clear, the level of insults and harassment I faced over the past several months (some publicly and many privately) is literally defined as illegal in several states within this country:

And I want to nip this in the bud right now... I find it incredibly offensive that someone would equate my behavior (sending too many trade offers for Giannis Antetempoenko and writing admittedly annoying fake press releases) with the behavior of someone who made comments towards me that I can't repeat in this forum without getting a life-time ban.   

There's a certain obvious line that someone shouldn't cross.  It was crossed.   If you need to put it in writing in our constitution that one should not cross that line, so be it.   

You're right there is a difference between those two things LB33 -- making too many or low ball offers and outright harrrasment.

I don't think anyone has equated the two things. I think just about everyone in the league agrees that a line was crossed and that no member of the league should have to deal with harrassment. Case closed.

At the same time, I think that we all also agree that ignoring what people have said to you --- from "player x is not available" to "please stop sending me offers" to "please stop it with the fake twitter feed" --- is *also* a real problem. And that if any of us are doing that, yourself included, we need to stop ... out of respect for our leaguemates.

It's not illegal harrassment but it's at best really irritating and at worst really disrepectful (and possibly a violation of CBlog anti-trolling rules). I'll go so far as to say that even your "oh my god..." above shows a real lack of understanding/listening to what people have said in the past.

I'm not saying anything here I haven't also said to you via PM.

I'm not saying any of this to pile on or troll you.

I just don't want this discussion to be built on a mythological foundation either.

This is a great point. Glad it was made now before things piled up.

From this thread already, it is even more obvious that we need a league rule about GM behavior and what constitutes harassment.
Just a thought...

Part of my problem is that I send offers without really thinking about them.  Like... "oh hey, I wonder if so-and-so would be interested in trading a 2016 2nd for a 2015 2nd... " and then just fire off a quick message about it.   I'm trying hard not to accidentally send the same offer twice.  I definitely do not mean to harass anyone by it. 

During the regular season it's even easier to send off trades without thinking about it.  In-fact, I usually feel like I'm wasting opportunities if I don't have at least 5 pending trade offers at all times.   

Others do this as well... but I know that I happen to be the most public of all of them.

One solution a lot of people take:  Just ignore the offers.  It happens.  I've send byennie probably 15 different trade offers over the past month and haven't received a response on any.  I just assume he's not interested.

So consider how that might impact your rule suggestion requiring all trade offers to be responded to.  Those two contradict each other a bit.

Sure, that's why we need this league discussion on these topics. I consider the rule about league behavior and harassment far more important than amending an already good league activity rule myself.

Re: CBPL Offseason 2015 Rules Discussion
« Reply #31 on: July 27, 2015, 12:18:46 AM »

Offline byennie

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My initial thoughts on a behavior clause, and these are intended to be wearing my GM "hat" FWIW:

1) I tend to agree some clause is better than none, even if it leaves some room for interpretation. Surely we could list a few things like using racial slurs, threatening violence, etc.

2) A warning system / 3 strikes thing may help, because while each incident on its own may have some gray area, it's harder to argue with repeat offenses after warnings. If you've been warned twice and then you do something that could be construed as a 3rd strike, it comes off differently than the "last straw" type of action. Perhaps your record is cleared every time we start a new season on Yahoo. It could be a yellow card / red card type of thing, where there are a few things that result in immediate expulsion, but also 3 yellows is a red.

3) As far as people blocking each other, I'm generally hesitant to go there because it's near impossible for a commissioner to monitor private emails. Honestly I'd rather see folks utilize an email filter if they really need help ignoring another GM. Note that you can also add a rule to your inbox on CelticsBlog that deletes messages from one sender. Technology can make them disappear, and probably once they are thoroughly ignored they are going to stop.

Re: CBPL Offseason 2015 Rules Discussion
« Reply #32 on: July 27, 2015, 12:22:38 AM »

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1. Anyone may propose an amendment in the thread. You can kick around ideas, but to formally propose amendments please use the format:

Proposed Amendment #1:
amendment text in bold red
2. I'd like to have someone second each amendment just to assure there's some support before we vote.
3. The Commissioner will approve the final wording (working to make consistent with the original author) by placing as a poll on the Yahoo! site.

Co-sign on this, thanks for the suggestion.

Re: CBPL Offseason 2015 Rules Discussion
« Reply #33 on: July 27, 2015, 12:38:04 AM »

Offline Gainesville Celtic

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I think #1 is a tad vague at the moment.

I agree. We can try to sharpen it up a bit if people have suggestions.
Again, it should really go without saying, but a simple "Treat others with respect.   The commissioner reserves the right to remove anyone from the league at any time for inappropriate conduct" would be my suggestion.

I will sign off on this if pestering somebody after they ask not to be contacted is a bannable offense.
I get what you're saying.  But to be clear, there's a difference between "Oh my god, he sent me one too many trade offers in a fantasy basketball league... oh my god, he thinks my player is worth a 2nd rounder... oh my god, he tried to tell me his fantasy basketball player is worth more than I think he is"  vs... sending vile, disgusting and hateful insults for months and repeatedly escalating the level of harassment after repeated requests to stop. 

To be clear, the level of insults and harassment I faced over the past several months (some publicly and many privately) is literally defined as illegal in several states within this country:

And I want to nip this in the bud right now... I find it incredibly offensive that someone would equate my behavior (sending too many trade offers for Giannis Antetempoenko and writing admittedly annoying fake press releases) with the behavior of someone who made comments towards me that I can't repeat in this forum without getting a life-time ban.   

There's a certain obvious line that someone shouldn't cross.  It was crossed.   If you need to put it in writing in our constitution that one should not cross that line, so be it.   

You're right there is a difference between those two things LB33 -- making too many or low ball offers and outright harrrasment.

I don't think anyone has equated the two things. I think just about everyone in the league agrees that a line was crossed and that no member of the league should have to deal with harrassment. Case closed.

At the same time, I think that we all also agree that ignoring what people have said to you --- from "player x is not available" to "please stop sending me offers" to "please stop it with the fake twitter feed" --- is *also* a real problem. And that if any of us are doing that, yourself included, we need to stop ... out of respect for our leaguemates.

It's not illegal harrassment but it's at best really irritating and at worst really disrepectful (and possibly a violation of CBlog anti-trolling rules). I'll go so far as to say that even your "oh my god..." above shows a real lack of understanding/listening to what people have said in the past.

I'm not saying anything here I haven't also said to you via PM.

I'm not saying any of this to pile on or troll you.

I just don't want this discussion to be built on a mythological foundation either.

This is a great point. Glad it was made now before things piled up.

From this thread already, it is even more obvious that we need a league rule about GM behavior and what constitutes harassment.

A couple follow up things just to mix into the mix:

1. My point, not to belabor it, actually was that there's harassment (which is relatively easy to address IMO through a zero-tolerance policy) and then there's the huge gray area spectrum of irritation-to-disrespect that has reared its head from time-to-time (and then time-to-time again).

This is both harder to address through specific rules and sometimes harder to stop.

Unfortunately though too, when gone unchecked (either by a commish or the individual GMs themselves showing some <gasp> self restraint) this irritation-to-outright-disrespect spectrum has led to some crippling 100+ post flame wars on the Yahoo! boards and fairly pointless and usually counter-productive pages of posts here.

1A. The solution to the above has to be, in part, IMO a commitment by GMs to saying what they need to say as succinctly as possible (ed note: as he goes onto into his 4,000th word....) and let it go. If a reply is warranted fine. But we need to stop the "yes huh -- nuh uh! -- YES HUH!!! -- NU UHHHHHHH!!!!!" arguments of yesteryear followed by "he started it" and "I'll stop when he stops" justifications.

2. Problems. They'll happen. But if there is a problem each GM, IMO, needs to (a) deal with the other GM you have a problem with with respect (b) needs to try and nip things in the bud not let them fester or grow and (c) tell the Commissioner if there is a problem that can't be resolved otherwise.

I'm not victim-blaming here LB33.... but if you were being harrassed "for months" you need to tell someone (preferably Byennie) and seek some resolution, not let it keep going. AND more importantly you and all us other GMs need to know that this is a place where you can do that w/o reprisals (which is why IMO the mods have set up rules and rightly act swiftly on them).

3. It should go without saying, but all GMs need to think more about what they're doing/saying before doing/saying that thing.

"I didn't think *that* would bother them" or "I'm sorry i'm forgetful" or "other people don't have a problem with X" are not legitimate excuses to do stuff that falls on that irritation-to-outright-disrespect spectrum IMO.

Our last hiccup in the h2h league led me to write this below... which we then added as the preamble to the constitution which all GMs have to sign off on before each season:

This is a long-term league made up of 20 dedicated GMs. Most of us have invested 4, 5 6, up to 8 years of our time playing and building our teams. No one is forcing anyone to be a part of this league. But if you are going to be in it there is a reasonable expectation that you will (a) follow the rules that we?ve collectively decided on and (b) communicate with the commissioner if you have a question, issue or problem with the league, rules, another GM, etc.

Every GM has a different level of involvement in this league. The rules we?ve put together aren?t to make it more difficult, but rather to allow 20 different meatheads with differing levels of commitment, from all over the country/world, of different ages, different temprements, differing access to a computer during the day, etc. to coexist and have a kick-butt league.
GC's Yahoo! H2h League: Gainesville Celtics: 2014, 2016, 2017 Champs!

GC's Yahoo! H2h League permanent website (offseason roster, constitution, etc.) * Lucky was framed!

Re: CBPL Offseason 2015 Rules Discussion
« Reply #34 on: July 27, 2015, 01:24:25 AM »

Offline LarBrd33

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Good to hear that drama isn't secluded to just this league. Lol.  I like that text addition.

It's pretty impressive that this league is heading for year 9.  Next year we will have the ham up the 10 year anniversary. The history of the league was definitely a draw for me... Which I why I invested the time in setting up a site showing the history. It's pretty cool that it can keep chugging along. I hope to leave my team in better shape than when I took over.

Some text like you suggested would be a good add.  Here's the obvious part of the constitution that can be adjusted (it needs to be updated anyways):

1. This is a 20-team dynasty league using a points scoring system. Lucky17 (reachable via PM on Celticsblog or via email at serves as the commissioner.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2015, 01:29:31 AM by LarBrd33 »

Re: CBPL Offseason 2015 Rules Discussion
« Reply #35 on: July 27, 2015, 08:24:26 AM »

Offline Eja117

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One of my issues in this line of rule is sometimes I think a GM is just up to no good. He has no good reasons to be in the league, or I suspect him of collusion of some sort.  I have to be able to say so and list my reasons without being told I'm crossing a disrespect line.

If I were to do this again I would give the commish a heads up first.

Also if someone accuses me of it I have to be able to answer it.

Also I have to able to say "I'm vetoing that. There is no way I'm ok with the newest member of the league trading Durant for a backup, a first rounder, and a bag of cheetos" without being given a strike.

There's a difference between league business and personal stuff. BFM got all sorts of weird personal. It's really different

Re: CBPL Offseason 2015 Rules Discussion
« Reply #36 on: July 27, 2015, 08:35:18 AM »

Online hpantazo

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One of my issues in this line of rule is sometimes I think a GM is just up to no good. He has no good reasons to be in the league, or I suspect him of collusion of some sort.  I have to be able to say so and list my reasons without being told I'm crossing a disrespect line.

If I were to do this again I would give the commish a heads up first.

Also if someone accuses me of it I have to be able to answer it.

Also I have to able to say "I'm vetoing that. There is no way I'm ok with the newest member of the league trading Durant for a backup, a first rounder, and a bag of cheetos" without being given a strike.

There's a difference between league business and personal stuff. BFM got all sorts of weird personal. It's really different

Agreed. We all have to be able to make our points regarding trades, league activity, etc. People can respond with a level head and take a second to think about their responses to such statements, or they can throw out inappropriate, angry replies. That is where I think most threads end up crossing the line, and setting a rule based on what everyone has proposed should put an end to that.

In the celticsblog baseball league for example, trades get vetoed once in a while without anyone flying off the handle, or anyone even really making any posts to explain why they vetoed the deal. It is just accepted that a significant part of the league felt it was unfair, and they either revise the deal or move on. No drama necessary. Honestly, there are maybe 10 to 14 GMs around at most on any given week during the season in our basketball PTS league. If 7 of them manage to click the veto button on a deal, assuming two out of the 12 are the two GMs who made the deal, then 7 out of 10-12 GMs vetoed it, people should accept that. Maybe ask people why they vetoed it to understand how to revise it, but flying off the handle and throwing blame around should be considered a strike in the behavior rule.

Re: CBPL Offseason 2015 Rules Discussion
« Reply #37 on: July 27, 2015, 08:59:44 AM »

Offline Gainesville Celtic

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In the celticsblog baseball league for example, trades get vetoed once in a while without anyone flying off the handle, or anyone even really making any posts to explain why they vetoed the deal. It is just accepted that a significant part of the league felt it was unfair, and they either revise the deal or move on. No drama necessary. Honestly, there are maybe 10 to 14 GMs around at most on any given week during the season in our basketball PTS league. If 7 of them manage to click the veto button on a deal, assuming two out of the 12 are the two GMs who made the deal, then 7 out of 10-12 GMs vetoed it, people should accept that. Maybe ask people why they vetoed it to understand how to revise it, but flying off the handle and throwing blame around should be considered a strike in the behavior rule.




GC's Yahoo! H2h League: Gainesville Celtics: 2014, 2016, 2017 Champs!

GC's Yahoo! H2h League permanent website (offseason roster, constitution, etc.) * Lucky was framed!

Re: CBPL Offseason 2015 Rules Discussion
« Reply #38 on: July 27, 2015, 09:06:37 AM »

Online Roy H.

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In the celticsblog baseball league for example, trades get vetoed once in a while without anyone flying off the handle, or anyone even really making any posts to explain why they vetoed the deal. It is just accepted that a significant part of the league felt it was unfair, and they either revise the deal or move on. No drama necessary. Honestly, there are maybe 10 to 14 GMs around at most on any given week during the season in our basketball PTS league. If 7 of them manage to click the veto button on a deal, assuming two out of the 12 are the two GMs who made the deal, then 7 out of 10-12 GMs vetoed it, people should accept that. Maybe ask people why they vetoed it to understand how to revise it, but flying off the handle and throwing blame around should be considered a strike in the behavior rule.





That might be the weirdest keeper league I've ever been a part of.  Membership stays steady year after year (for the most part), guys stay active, there are a decent number of trades...  But very little discussion of any nature, and certainly not drama. 


Re: CBPL Offseason 2015 Rules Discussion
« Reply #39 on: July 27, 2015, 09:20:27 AM »

Offline Gainesville Celtic

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In the celticsblog baseball league for example, trades get vetoed once in a while without anyone flying off the handle, or anyone even really making any posts to explain why they vetoed the deal. It is just accepted that a significant part of the league felt it was unfair, and they either revise the deal or move on. No drama necessary. Honestly, there are maybe 10 to 14 GMs around at most on any given week during the season in our basketball PTS league. If 7 of them manage to click the veto button on a deal, assuming two out of the 12 are the two GMs who made the deal, then 7 out of 10-12 GMs vetoed it, people should accept that. Maybe ask people why they vetoed it to understand how to revise it, but flying off the handle and throwing blame around should be considered a strike in the behavior rule.





That might be the weirdest keeper league I've ever been a part of.  Membership stays steady year after year (for the most part), guys stay active, there are a decent number of trades...  But very little discussion of any nature, and certainly not drama.



Baseball tends to just be chiller i think... I know its just a summer nerdy distraction for me (i watch maybe 1 non-playoff baseball game a year.

And some GMs seem fine to be on relative autopilot, but it all works. Well the league works... my team, like YH is in a ridiculous free-fall.
GC's Yahoo! H2h League: Gainesville Celtics: 2014, 2016, 2017 Champs!

GC's Yahoo! H2h League permanent website (offseason roster, constitution, etc.) * Lucky was framed!

Re: CBPL Offseason 2015 Rules Discussion
« Reply #40 on: July 27, 2015, 10:26:58 AM »

Offline yall hate

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One solution a lot of people take:  Just ignore the offers.  It happens.  I've sent byennie probably 15 different trade offers over the past month and haven't received a response on any.  I just assume he's not interested.   

I totally and completely DISAGREE.  I find owners that ignore trades to be awful. honestly.  It takes .5 seconds to click reject.  leaving trades open is, in my opinion, somewhat rude.  In real life, if danny calls a gm and offers a trade and it is met with silence, what do you think that does to potential relations down the road? It makes no sense. 

Maybe a better system, and this would require more work for LB (and others who send lots of trades) would be that you keep a spreadsheet of sorts that lists trade offers you've sent out.  that way, you don't send the same offer 35 times.  You could even put in notes that the other owner has told you as part of trade discussions. 

LB and I have reached a couple of deals.  So we have a pretty good working relationship.  But I've probably said to you, 30-40 times, "no, I already rejected that. the price for player x is at least ___".  To me, that is the annoying part.  And I think your activity is a big plus for this league. But you should be (and others as well) better about knowing what trades you've already sent. 

By the way, this wasn't meant to be geared just to you. I have sent people the same offer multiple times, by mistake. Sometimes I'll say, I can't remember if I've previously offered X.

Re: CBPL Offseason 2015 Rules Discussion
« Reply #41 on: July 27, 2015, 10:29:25 AM »

Offline Rondo2287

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One solution a lot of people take:  Just ignore the offers.  It happens.  I've sent byennie probably 15 different trade offers over the past month and haven't received a response on any.  I just assume he's not interested.   

I totally and completely DISAGREE.  I find owners that ignore trades to be awful. honestly.  It takes .5 seconds to click reject.  leaving trades open is, in my opinion, somewhat rude.  In real life, if danny calls a gm and offers a trade and it is met with silence, what do you think that does to potential relations down the road? It makes no sense. 

Maybe a better system, and this would require more work for LB (and others who send lots of trades) would be that you keep a spreadsheet of sorts that lists trade offers you've sent out.  that way, you don't send the same offer 35 times.  You could even put in notes that the other owner has told you as part of trade discussions. 

LB and I have reached a couple of deals.  So we have a pretty good working relationship.  But I've probably said to you, 30-40 times, "no, I already rejected that. the price for player x is at least ___".  To me, that is the annoying part.  And I think your activity is a big plus for this league. But you should be (and others as well) better about knowing what trades you've already sent. 

By the way, this wasn't meant to be geared just to you. I have sent people the same offer multiple times, by mistake. Sometimes I'll say, I can't remember if I've previously offered X.

In yahoo I 100% agree about ignoring trade offers.  There you can only have so many deals pending etc and when you log in to set your lineup its easy enough to respond to the trade offer. 

In celticsblog when your inbox just get pummeled on occasion I don't see a need to force people to reply to offers during the offseason. 
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Re: CBPL Offseason 2015 Rules Discussion
« Reply #42 on: July 27, 2015, 10:34:44 AM »

Offline yall hate

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And some GMs seem fine to be on relative autopilot, but it all works. Well the league works... my team, like YH is in a ridiculous free-fall.

thanks for rubbing that in.  I'm now going to flame war you in every single fantasy league possible.  But seriously, has a team ever (dare I say) dominated the first half of a season, only to completely fall apart?  It's a freaking joke....

Anyway, if I am not mistaken, the h2h league was the more drama filled league, steps were taken to curb it, and we've had pretty good success with that.  I think the points league can still be saved.

Re: CBPL Offseason 2015 Rules Discussion
« Reply #43 on: July 27, 2015, 10:34:59 AM »

Offline yall hate

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One solution a lot of people take:  Just ignore the offers.  It happens.  I've sent byennie probably 15 different trade offers over the past month and haven't received a response on any.  I just assume he's not interested.   

I totally and completely DISAGREE.  I find owners that ignore trades to be awful. honestly.  It takes .5 seconds to click reject.  leaving trades open is, in my opinion, somewhat rude.  In real life, if danny calls a gm and offers a trade and it is met with silence, what do you think that does to potential relations down the road? It makes no sense. 

Maybe a better system, and this would require more work for LB (and others who send lots of trades) would be that you keep a spreadsheet of sorts that lists trade offers you've sent out.  that way, you don't send the same offer 35 times.  You could even put in notes that the other owner has told you as part of trade discussions. 

LB and I have reached a couple of deals.  So we have a pretty good working relationship.  But I've probably said to you, 30-40 times, "no, I already rejected that. the price for player x is at least ___".  To me, that is the annoying part.  And I think your activity is a big plus for this league. But you should be (and others as well) better about knowing what trades you've already sent. 

By the way, this wasn't meant to be geared just to you. I have sent people the same offer multiple times, by mistake. Sometimes I'll say, I can't remember if I've previously offered X.

In yahoo I 100% agree about ignoring trade offers.  There you can only have so many deals pending etc and when you log in to set your lineup its easy enough to respond to the trade offer. 

In celticsblog when your inbox just get pummeled on occasion I don't see a need to force people to reply to offers during the offseason.


Re: CBPL Offseason 2015 Rules Discussion
« Reply #44 on: July 27, 2015, 10:39:58 AM »

Offline LarBrd33

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One solution a lot of people take:  Just ignore the offers.  It happens.  I've sent byennie probably 15 different trade offers over the past month and haven't received a response on any.  I just assume he's not interested.   

I totally and completely DISAGREE.  I find owners that ignore trades to be awful. honestly.  It takes .5 seconds to click reject.  leaving trades open is, in my opinion, somewhat rude.  In real life, if danny calls a gm and offers a trade and it is met with silence, what do you think that does to potential relations down the road? It makes no sense. 

Maybe a better system, and this would require more work for LB (and others who send lots of trades) would be that you keep a spreadsheet of sorts that lists trade offers you've sent out.  that way, you don't send the same offer 35 times.  You could even put in notes that the other owner has told you as part of trade discussions. 

LB and I have reached a couple of deals.  So we have a pretty good working relationship.  But I've probably said to you, 30-40 times, "no, I already rejected that. the price for player x is at least ___".  To me, that is the annoying part.  And I think your activity is a big plus for this league. But you should be (and others as well) better about knowing what trades you've already sent. 

By the way, this wasn't meant to be geared just to you. I have sent people the same offer multiple times, by mistake. Sometimes I'll say, I can't remember if I've previously offered X.

In yahoo I 100% agree about ignoring trade offers.  There you can only have so many deals pending etc and when you log in to set your lineup its easy enough to respond to the trade offer. 

In celticsblog when your inbox just get pummeled on occasion I don't see a need to force people to reply to offers during the offseason.

Agree.  No need to respond to every trade offer.  Plus I receive so many that sometimes I miss an offer. I missed one yesterday that was buried amongst 15 other PMs I received.  I wouldn't want an honest mistake to be used against me in that manner.  Sometimes you just can't keep up with the dozens of offers you are getting.

I'm not sure if it's like this for everyone, but I also seem to receive a ton of joke offers. Someone will offer me a 2nd round pick for wiggins, for instance. I try hard to respond to all of them, but sometimes I just skip them.

Then there are folks like Birdman who seem to encourage multiple offers without responding to them. I think it's his strategy... He gets you to bid against yourself. Lol.  I've ended up outbidding myself a couple times with him.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2015, 10:48:14 AM by LarBrd33 »