Author Topic: Foam Finger Fakers  (Read 7047 times)

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Re: Foam Finger Fakers
« Reply #30 on: December 26, 2009, 02:31:28 PM »

Offline PierceMVP08

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I'm actually going to say that I gained respect for the LA fans.  It showed me they actually have a pulse and might actually care about what's going on in the game.  So often we give them crap for not caring that its refreshing to see they do.

I'm not going to sit on a high horse and condemn them because we have had our ugly moments as well.  Chanting "wife beater"
 in 2002 when J Kidd's wife and kid were in the stand.  There were also fans who verbally abused her and the kid in the stands.  When we lost game 6 that series and fans threw beers on the refs as they walked out.

Stuff happens, almost in all arenas and it's usually a few bad apples.  No big deal.

Re: Foam Finger Fakers
« Reply #31 on: December 26, 2009, 04:06:51 PM »

Offline Neurotic Guy

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I'm actually going to say that I gained respect for the LA fans.  It showed me they actually have a pulse and might actually care about what's going on in the game.  So often we give them crap for not caring that its refreshing to see they do.

I'm not going to sit on a high horse and condemn them because we have had our ugly moments as well.  Chanting "wife beater"
 in 2002 when J Kidd's wife and kid were in the stand.  There were also fans who verbally abused her and the kid in the stands.  When we lost game 6 that series and fans threw beers on the refs as they walked out.

Stuff happens, almost in all arenas and it's usually a few bad apples.  No big deal.

Don't agree about the respect for Lakers fans, but wholeheatedly agree that there is no place for holier-than-thou when it comes to fan behavior. Boston fans are as prone as any other group of fans to immature and embarrassing behavior.  It is never about good 'intensity' when it comes to mob mentality.  More often, it is about displaced anger and the power of peer influence -- something that can ignite within any large group of people.  On the fortunate side, it was only foam and we can credit LA fans in general for not escalating to objects that could hurt.

Re: Foam Finger Fakers
« Reply #32 on: December 26, 2009, 04:07:18 PM »

Offline housecall

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 Booing your own team that happens to be in first place in the west tells just how loyal the Laker fans are not...ive been told by a laker fan a few yrs.back that when they lose games theres always a certain amount of fans who boo the team,so i wasn't surprised.Besides the foam fingers,booing im interested in seeing if Derek Fisher get fined for purposely shoving Moe in the back once the league view the tape.I felt he should have been ejected because not only did he shove Moe hard but continue to mouth off to refs,cavs and anyone got in his path.He's not what i think a player rep.should be like.He has a poor attitude,dirty player that has lost speed and can't really keep in front of the younger,speedier pg's any longer.He spends most of his time in the refs ear trying to sway calls and their opinions on how to call the game.He is irritating to watch.The writing is on the wall,he just hasn't realize it.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2009, 04:13:08 PM by housecall »