I'm honestly not sure how well it would work today. Sure in some situations it could (and we've seen guys like Embiid do it on occasion), but I don't think anyone could do it as much as Kareem with the way the game is played today. Far more athletic guards, zone defenses, double teams, etc., it just makes it very difficult to consistently use as I think it would get swiped a lot on the way up from help side defenders.
One thing worth noting is the analytics crowd would probable hate if a high usage player started using the sky hook shot. In today's take a 3 or drive in and draw a foul NBA the sky hook doesn't fit.
Another narrative driven argument against analytics and people are still making snide remarks about how "snark" and "presumptuous" analytically-driven fans are when they're dealing with these on a constant basis
No fan who truly believes in analytics would despise the skyhook if a high usage player somehow became the second coming of Jabbar. The efficiency and resilience of that move is excellent for an analytically-driven offence looking for an offensive centrepiece when combined with good passing.
You do understand that people can discuss this stuff from either side without being pompous pricks about it, right?
Plenty of people have managed to do that on these boards for years.
And plenty of people have been routinely using Aunt Sallies to shoot down the whole concept of analytics with the kind of pompousness you've described, it's not like fans who like using analytics have been shoving its opinions down the throats of others from day 1 with no regard for civil discussion, we want to discuss respectfully, that's why we're making threads/posts (eg. this thread, I created it because the skyhook is an amazing move both on the court and spreadsheet + the video on it is informative, not because I want to bash "non-believers" of analytics).
If you want respectful discussion from me you can always stop being "lol nope because (insert crude analytics and a snide reminder at how watching games is king - it is, but let's not pretend that most of us track tons of games play by play to form an encyclopedic collection of scouting reports for the kind of insight that is implied in a 'watch the games' retort)", it's not difficult at all imo if the discussion you mentioned in your post is truly craved by people who post here. The discussions I've had with people who disagree with me on such topics, while heated at times have very rarely involved us being pricks to each other and I strongly believe that's the kind of discussion that will occur when the crowd that's not sold on analytics doesn't casually dismiss points that the other side is making with narratives like the one I responded to above.