Author Topic: Health and Fitness thread  (Read 36221 times)

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Re: Health and Fitness thread
« Reply #105 on: January 10, 2018, 12:56:16 AM »

Offline Jiri Welsch

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Looking to gain 10 Kilos of muscle in 10 months starting March. I am 5 foot 8, and at approximately 56 kilos. Any suggestions on what kind of work out is good to build up my condition for January and February and what sort of work out is best for adding muscle mass thereafter?

10kg of legit lean muscle in 10 months is nearly impossible naturally! However, you could certainly gain that much and then cut down on your BF% as time goes on.

In my experience, if simply mass is your goal, it’s impossible to overemphasize compound lifts (exercises like Bench, Deadlift, Squat, and Clean that get multiple muscle groups simultaneously). Don’t isolate muscle groups like you’re a bodybuilder until you’re much closer to your 10kg goal.

Simplifying here, but I’d go for a 5x5 workout for your first two months just to build up strength and confidence. You’ll likely experience some newb gains by shocking your body, and you can alternate the sets/reps as the weather improves.

When aiming for hypertrophy, try to stay in the ~10 rep range after a few months of 5x5.

Last, you need to be eating a caloric excess. Probably 300 calories above your maintenance is good. Foods like overnight oats, avocados, peanut butter, quinoa, etc. that are high in calories will help. But make sure you’re not going crazy with the fats.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

Re: Health and Fitness thread
« Reply #106 on: January 10, 2018, 12:59:44 AM »

Offline the TRUTH

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Looking to gain 10 Kilos of muscle in 10 months starting March. I am 5 foot 8, and at approximately 56 kilos. Any suggestions on what kind of work out is good to build up my condition for January and February and what sort of work out is best for adding muscle mass thereafter?

I'm not sure how long you've been training or what type of workouts you've been doing. The biggest key to building muscle is learning how to execute each exercise properly - zero momentum and crazy contractions on the working muscle at all portions of the strength curve.

Every muscle has a strength curve similar to a bell curve - there's a shortened portion of the range, a middle portion of the range and a lengthened portion of the range. Most people only know about - and therefore focus on - the middle portion of the range, so they leave a lot of potential gains on the table by not focusing on the shortened or lengthened ends of the range. Learning how to fully shorten and lengthen each muscle group - and then getting stronger at those extremes - will make a big difference for you.

Know why you're doing each exercise (ie which muscle you're targeting) and make sure you're feeling the contraction in that muscle for the entire range of motion. There are a bunch of different aspects that you can manipulate to help build muscle - volume, density, tension and frequency just to name a few.

Feel free to pass along a general training history, body composition, age, nutrition habits, etc.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 02:21:02 AM by the TRUTH »

Re: Health and Fitness thread
« Reply #107 on: January 10, 2018, 06:10:52 AM »

Offline kiwiceltic

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Looking to gain 10 Kilos of muscle in 10 months starting March. I am 5 foot 8, and at approximately 56 kilos. Any suggestions on what kind of work out is good to build up my condition for January and February and what sort of work out is best for adding muscle mass thereafter?

10kg of legit lean muscle in 10 months is nearly impossible naturally! However, you could certainly gain that much and then cut down on your BF% as time goes on.

In my experience, if simply mass is your goal, it’s impossible to overemphasize compound lifts (exercises like Bench, Deadlift, Squat, and Clean that get multiple muscle groups simultaneously). Don’t isolate muscle groups like you’re a bodybuilder until you’re much closer to your 10kg goal.

Simplifying here, but I’d go for a 5x5 workout for your first two months just to build up strength and confidence. You’ll likely experience some newb gains by shocking your body, and you can alternate the sets/reps as the weather improves.

When aiming for hypertrophy, try to stay in the ~10 rep range after a few months of 5x5.

Last, you need to be eating a caloric excess. Probably 300 calories above your maintenance is good. Foods like overnight oats, avocados, peanut butter, quinoa, etc. that are high in calories will help. But make sure you’re not going crazy with the fats.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

This pretty much somes up gaining mass perfectly. The only thing i’d add is to make sure you’re getting the right fuel pre and post workout. Stay away from simple carbs and anything processed post workout and you’ll be fine if you stay disciplined.

Re: Fitness and trainning : what is your routine?
« Reply #108 on: January 10, 2018, 07:16:52 AM »

Offline Surferdad

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Anybody supplement with vitamin d3?  how much IU do you take per day?

2000 mg a day per my doctor...

you mean 2000IU

do you feel a difference?

I have upped my dosage to 3000IU . Feeling much better

I take 4000IU per day, but that is because of a near-fatal neurological infection many moons ago has left me with acute sensitivities to heat and excessive sunlight.  Since I reside in the Sacramento area, I maintain an underground existence, kind of like a human mole!
I also take 4000IU per day of Vitamin-D.  Nearly everyone who works in an office needs to supplement with Vitamin-D because of lack of sufficient exposure to sunlight, and because you generally can't get enough in your diet.

Speaking of supplements, I also daily take 64mg of iron since I have been slightly anemic my whole life.  I also take fish oil (1562mg of Omega-3 fatty acids) for control of HDL/LDL ratio, as well as a multi-vitamin.
I think that is propaganda nonsense talking, selling balls like they are kidneys. If you walk toward your work each day or you just go to the supermarket and back you will be OK.
Think of it this way - do inhabitants of our planet, those that live inside the polar circle, remain healthy (regarding vitamin D, not talking about the Sun's psychological effect on the human brain) during the polar night period?
I did have one doctor, many years ago, claim that insufficient vitamin D is not harmful.  He was the only one and it was outside his specialty.  I have gotten routine blood tests and I'm deficient in vitamin D unless I take supplements.  Now perhaps you want to argue that vitamin D is not needed for good health.  That a different issue and I bet you will have an uphill battle.
I don't claim that insufficient vitamin D is not harmful, it is vital for us humans. I would never encourage you to dismiss your doctors input too.
My take is that not all of us can absorb/generate vitamins equally well. Also I firmly believe that synthetic vitamins are much less efficient than the natural ones and it takes time (weeks/moths) for a body/enzymes to figure out the way to abstract them from the diet.

But as it is with all things in life - if it works for you, great. Who am I to tell you differently.
Definitely agree.  That is why a good balanced diet with plenty of fruits and veggies is so important.  I fully recognize that a big percentage of my supplements are not getting absorbed.  I do try to take them right after eating so the fat-soluble vitamins can better absorb and the water-soluble vitamins don't just flush down an empty GI tract.  However, I know for a fact that at least some are being absorbed because my blood levels of vitamin-D and iron have both come up to normal range.

Re: Health and Fitness thread
« Reply #109 on: January 10, 2018, 08:22:26 AM »

Offline Granath

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Looking to gain 10 Kilos of muscle in 10 months starting March. I am 5 foot 8, and at approximately 56 kilos. Any suggestions on what kind of work out is good to build up my condition for January and February and what sort of work out is best for adding muscle mass thereafter?

You're a skinny dude.

Gaining 20 pounds of muscle mass in 10 months IS possible depending on your body type (I can easily do it but I'll never be skinny again) but to do it you're going to have change a bunch of things. Most importantly, you're probably going to have to change your eating habits. To gain that kind of mass you're going to need to eat. A lot. A lot of grilled chicken, fish, veggies, rice. Probably about 4,000 calories worth to build mass. Then you're going to need to lift. A lot.

This guy did the Hugh Jackman workout for 10 weeks and gained significant weight and muscle mass but it's not easy.
Jaylen Brown will be an All Star in the next 5 years.

Re: Health and Fitness thread
« Reply #110 on: January 10, 2018, 09:24:16 AM »

Offline LatterDayCelticsfan

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Thanks for the input guys. Lots of stuff to digest
Banner 18 please 😍

Re: Health and Fitness thread
« Reply #111 on: April 18, 2018, 02:43:19 PM »

Offline Tr1boy

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Recently started to take coconut oil supplements. Im impressed

Anybody else take it?

Re: Health and Fitness thread
« Reply #112 on: April 18, 2018, 02:45:33 PM »

Offline DefenseWinsChamps

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Recently started to take coconut oil supplements. Im impressed

Anybody else take it?

No. What are you impressed with about it?

Re: Health and Fitness thread
« Reply #113 on: April 18, 2018, 03:02:54 PM »

Offline Tr1boy

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Recently started to take coconut oil supplements. Im impressed

Anybody else take it?

No. What are you impressed with about it?

Metabolism boosted. Body temp is warmer

It has also anti virus properties.  It also helps with digestion and absorb nutrients from food and supplements

I guess this is why alot of supplements out there are coated with coconut oil

Re: Health and Fitness thread
« Reply #114 on: June 09, 2018, 02:42:18 PM »

Offline Tr1boy

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Recently I was recommended this supplement. 

Color me highly impressed. It is excellent to help cope with stress.  It can also alleviate anxiety, depression, ADHD issues.   A few things I was facing during the playoffs , especially game 7 of ECF :(

Re: Health and Fitness thread
« Reply #115 on: June 09, 2018, 02:43:16 PM »

Offline Tr1boy

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Anybody into this crossfit craze?

I'm starting to get into it.  Also been watching the regionals.   Like a mini olympics. Fun to watch

Re: Health and Fitness thread
« Reply #116 on: June 09, 2018, 03:05:19 PM »

Offline dreamgreen

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Looking to gain 10 Kilos of muscle in 10 months starting March. I am 5 foot 8, and at approximately 56 kilos. Any suggestions on what kind of work out is good to build up my condition for January and February and what sort of work out is best for adding muscle mass thereafter?

You're a skinny dude.

Gaining 20 pounds of muscle mass in 10 months IS possible depending on your body type (I can easily do it but I'll never be skinny again) but to do it you're going to have change a bunch of things. Most importantly, you're probably going to have to change your eating habits. To gain that kind of mass you're going to need to eat. A lot. A lot of grilled chicken, fish, veggies, rice. Probably about 4,000 calories worth to build mass. Then you're going to need to lift. A lot.

This guy did the Hugh Jackman workout for 10 weeks and gained significant weight and muscle mass but it's not easy.

So he did steroids?

Re: Health and Fitness thread
« Reply #117 on: June 09, 2018, 05:11:53 PM »

Offline Celtics4ever

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Looking to gain 10 Kilos of muscle in 10 months starting March. I am 5 foot 8, and at approximately 56 kilos. Any suggestions on what kind of work out is good to build up my condition for January and February and what sort of work out is best for adding muscle mass thereafter?

Eats lot of good protein and do heavy lifts that use a lot of body parts like Squat, Deadlift, Bent over Row, Bench Press and Military Press.

Olympic lifting is good for you body too.  A lot of ability to gain muscle is in your genes.   I always got bigger gains than the guys I worked out with, even though I was sanEdited.  Profanity and masked profanity are against forum rules and may result in discipline.ging a little in terms of working out with them and I was stronger.    I have Scandinavian Genes so strong man stuff was always easy for me.

For size do 8-13 reps and three sets.   

Re: Health and Fitness thread
« Reply #118 on: March 29, 2019, 12:57:47 PM »

Offline Tr1boy

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Anybody here use a concept 2 rower

What is considered a good 2k, 5k times?