Author Topic: Still drawing! Coloring stage! [12]  (Read 19241 times)

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Re: Look at me! I am drawing! [update no: 6]
« Reply #15 on: July 31, 2010, 09:30:01 AM »


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Click for the full view...

Now is this ugly or what?

I re-did the smoke. Mainly I just tried to make it look like it made sense, and had some depth. I'll come back to the smoke later, to make it look like actual smoke ;)

Another thing I did was temporarily make a quick sketch for the top of the staff, I have some more on that bit later.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 01:12:40 AM by Kiorrik »

Re: Look at me! I am drawing! [update no: 7]
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2010, 09:49:06 AM »


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Click for the full view...

Alright, the above is a before-and-after shot of the "skirt", and the tabard that I drew in detail. Note that I've drawn this lich before, but I'll show you what I drew before when the entire piece is done ;)

Click for the full view...

And this is what I did to the hand after about 1673 attempts. Man, after drawing this my hand hurt so much, that my girlfriend was kind enough to massage it. Admittedly, I had to give her puppy eyes to get her to do that. -1 On the manliness scale for me.

Alright, this is where mister perfectionist kicked in: I started disliking the face.

So I redrew it. This is the original, along with my "erasing" (and adding some parts of the armor and ribs) right here:

So I tried a couple of options:

And settled on this one, after changing it a wee little bit to still look intelligent:

The main reason I went with this one, is because it looked more menacing, more evil, more twisted, distorted. However, after drawing it "manually" it looked rather flat, "orcish" and generally dumb. Fortunately, a little retouching with the "warp" tool in Photoshop, goes a long way.

This last bit, the warp tool, along with new features in the new Photoshop like Puppet Warp, and the oldschool transform and liquify options, are the reason I don't totally draw my drawings by hand anymore. I just can't get the results in real life, that I can get in Photoshop.

Cheers, next bit soon.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 01:13:06 AM by Kiorrik »

Re: Look at me! I am drawing! [update no: 8]
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2010, 01:07:23 AM »


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Here we go again; I revisited the head/face, and made it into this:

Afterward, I went and attacked the staff with renewed vigor. As you can see, it changed a lot during the time I spent on it this time around.

At first, two snakes appeared on top:

After that, I went and gave them wings.

I liked the wings, but I didn't quite dig the snakes and attempted to turn it into a dragon.

That... didn't quite work out either, so I gave the dragon an overhaul.

Which made him way too cute.

After a bit of grumbling and changing of "drawing method", I even came up with this:

Click here for full view...

But that seemed like overcompensating, so finally, I settled for this here:

Click here for full view...

... and now onwards, with the quest for "realistic smoke" to come from the scythe!

... ugh :p
« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 01:13:37 AM by Kiorrik »

Re: Look at me! I am drawing! [update no: 8]
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2010, 05:13:24 AM »

Offline j804

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TP Nice work Kiorrik

That must require tons of patience and skill of course, like the detail. The twisted/dark stuff looks cool as well like I could see it in a horror video game.  ;D
"7ft PG. Rondo leaves and GUESS WHAT? We got a BIGGER point guard!"-Tommy on Olynyk

Re: Look at me! I am drawing! [update no: 9]
« Reply #19 on: August 04, 2010, 02:27:59 AM »


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Number already, and we're closing in on the stage I've been looking forward to as much as I've been dreading it; coloring.

But before that, here's stage 9, where a lot of things start coming together.

First things first, I cleaned up a bit of the staff, and started redrawing the smoke. Coming out of the container at the top of the staff / scythe, this is supposed to be a liquid that turns into smoke once it is poured. Since it takes some time for it to do that, it doesn't turn into smoke until it's started "breaking up" halfway its fall to the ground.

Clicky here for full view...

The smoke is basically a nightmare for me and will get another revision, but at least right now it looks less "out of place". Again, this is sort of a "placeholder" type of smoke, and you can expect a revision later on.

Clicky here for full view...
DO click the link here, it's well worth it!

And this is where it starts coming together. Cleaning up isn't the most fun work, but it's close to being the most *rewarding* job. It's like blowing the dust off a statue you're chiseling, off a log you're cutting into a shape, off an ice sculpture you're making.

I'm getting there!
« Last Edit: August 04, 2010, 08:53:31 AM by Kiorrik »

Re: Look at me! I am drawing! [update no: 8]
« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2010, 03:32:00 AM »

Offline LarBrd33

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very cool.  Are you using a tablet and drawing in photoshop? 

Re: Look at me! I am drawing! [update no: 8]
« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2010, 04:04:48 AM »


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Yip. Bamboo. Cheap one. It was about 75 bucks. I'd like some decent equipment, but couldn't afford it just yet ;) Love it to death though.

Re: Look at me! I am almost done drawing! [update no: 10]
« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2010, 09:21:17 AM »


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So now that I've reached the final stage, coloring, I guess I've got to bring the few people that follow this thread up to speed :p

So first I had to pick at all the excess lines. Removed all the "debris" left from drawing the thing, cleaned it up and made it look better. The outlines were still a bit messy around his ribs and arms, and his head.

More interestingly, I removed the entire back-piece. That stuff behind his head just looked silly.

This is where I changed the ribbons that hung from his staff and spaulders a bit (and even added two ripped ones to said shoulder guards). They now move along with the rest of what will be in the drawing (smoke, mainly!) on the "wind".

And here it is, the replacement for his "cloaky" head garment back neck thingy. (No idea what it's called!) Truth be told, it took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do and I had tried a lot of things before I came up with this. It's got the same dragon on there as on his tabard. Consistency is paramount, apparently, when drawing, so I went for that logo.

The tabard got a small overhaul as well. Shading and added a "glimmer" effect to the buttons that have been attached to it.


Below is the most interesting change: smoke.

As said before, this was hard. I had no idea how to go about this, and only discovered my method after trying hundreds of different methods. It was a complete accident-gone-good.

I started adding weird faces to the smoke, as well as strange objects and some bones and eyes. You'll see the full thing soon, I didn't want to give away too much. However, I'm so pleased with the result, that I had to show this as a seperate step! :D

After that, I re-did the "top bit" where the liquid turns into smoke. It's now a bit lighter, but mainly just a bit more detailed, and it looks a bit more convincing, in my humble opinion.


The scythe got a revisit as well. I'm still not 100% happy with it, but it's close enough. I guess nothing can be absolutely perfect. It took me a while to figure out how to draw this too, though I knew what I wanted it to look like. The main issue was making it "fit the rest of the picture". I've got tons of ways to make metal look realistic in Photoshop, most of them made up by yours truly, but none of them seemed to fit the style of the rest of the drawing. I'll tell you that this is one of the hardest parts, even though I thought it would be the easiest.

Cliché! :D

As you can see here, I went back and did some shading on the shoulder guards and the piece of leathery skin/fabric on his waist. It didn't seem to fit the drawing, being way too light, so there it is ;)


The final touches were fun to do. I added some jewelry to the thing, you can see them below.


What does it look altogether? I'll show you in a bit. Need to upload the pictures first :p

Oh and by the way; MY HAND HURTS LIKE HELL.

There. I said it.

Re: Look at me! I am done drawing! [update no: 11]
« Reply #23 on: August 04, 2010, 09:47:13 AM »


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The finished pieces, one done, one done in sepia colors.

Click for the full view!

Click for the full view!

Right. I *will* color it, but that's for tomorrow!

Re: My hand hurts but I'm DONE drawing! [11]
« Reply #24 on: August 04, 2010, 10:19:36 AM »

Offline cordialb

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Wow, this is like a demented version of Bob Ross...

Where's the 'happy little tree?'   = p

Re: Still drawing! Coloring stage! [12]
« Reply #25 on: August 09, 2010, 05:33:40 AM »


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I'm Coloring my drawing now ;)

Here's a preview!

Re: Still drawing! Coloring stage! [12]
« Reply #26 on: August 09, 2010, 06:06:44 AM »

Offline lon3lytoaster

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pie does rule, i'll certainly give you that.

It looks like its coming along real nice, though.

Re: Still drawing! Coloring stage! [12]
« Reply #27 on: August 09, 2010, 06:32:08 AM »


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Thank you for acknowledging the utter pownage that is Pie.