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« Reply #45 on: April 14, 2009, 06:11:48 AM »

Offline crownsy

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it saddens me that we hit every prediction except where edge ends up.

that was a incredibly predictable draft.

“I will hurt you for this. A day will come when you think you’re safe and happy and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth. And you will know the debt is paid.” – Tyrion

« Reply #46 on: April 14, 2009, 06:18:17 AM »

Offline cdif911

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I turned it off, it was A) predictible, but B) illogical - why try to win a match that brings more competition to your brand - so I'm John Cena and I win my match, now Triple H is on my show, that's not a good thing for me... I would have liked to see a guy tank on purpose to avoid such a situation

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« Reply #47 on: April 14, 2009, 07:17:37 AM »

Offline crownsy

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yea that would have been cool.

the only +'s i can look forward too are:

I like Y2J to smackdown if he allies with Edge and goes back to being a wiseass. That team up could be hilarious. barring a heel stable one needs to go face and fued with the other, because they can put on great matches and interviews.

Like to see Morrison and rey to smackdown, as it means morrision will fued for the IC title. (side note: how funny as it when miz randomly turned on morrision to try to generate SOME kind of heat with the fans. Enjoy jobbing out on raw buddy)

good on the WWE to send kovloze to ECW, he needs some time to develop.

An Rtruth sighting! he does exist!

“I will hurt you for this. A day will come when you think you’re safe and happy and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth. And you will know the debt is paid.” – Tyrion

« Reply #48 on: April 14, 2009, 09:07:32 AM »

Offline CDawg834

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"Drafting" HHH back to Raw is the equivalent of KG showing up in New York and playing for the Knicks for 5 games until the Celtics trade him down there.  He has been on every Raw for the past 2 months anyway.  Now it's back to Monday Night HHH, hey midcarders (Miz, Kofi, MVP, etc.) have fun going absolutely nowhere on the card except down for the next year!  You get to watch 25 minute promos, while you get one TV appearance in 3 weeks and then are expected to somehow get yourself over.  Is it any coincidence that Raw got good while HHH was on Smackdown?

« Reply #49 on: April 14, 2009, 09:39:19 AM »

Offline MBz

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I would have rather seen Edge drafted to raw then Triple H, I want Orton to win at backlash so the feud can be done.  Unfortunately what will happen is Orton will pin either Batista or Shane-O so HHH doesn't have to be put over and Triple H will say blah blah I wasn't pinned, I want my rematch.  They need to give Orton the belt so Legacy has some meaning as a group as well.  I'd like to see Priceless challenge the Colons to the tag belts, give the group some meaning by giving them the belts, thats why Evolution worked out so well.
do it

« Reply #50 on: April 17, 2009, 10:00:34 PM »

Offline dark_lord

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any1 else going to backlash in providence?

« Reply #51 on: April 17, 2009, 10:20:40 PM »

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I hope Festus gets a shot on RAW. The guy can really wrestle.
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« Reply #52 on: June 16, 2009, 11:35:28 AM »

Offline crownsy

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So, just thought I’d post about last night’s raw, since it was a three hour special.

Things that were good:

Rey vs Jericho was excellent. Even though ive seen these two wrestle a lot, they just always put on great matches. Good counter action here into a vicious looking code breaker. I don’t know exactly how far they can take this fued, but so far it’s a great series of matches.

The triple threat match was really good as well. Punk, who I never really cared for as a straight babyface, is doing an excellent job of playing the grey area character of his move to take the championship off hardy. I’m actually quite on board with that storyline of face vs heel vs grey area character.

Marlyse continues to be smoking hot. I mean, that’s all ive really got. add in the fact that unlike Kelly “I blow spots like its my job” Kelly she can actually put on a good match, and I don’t mind the her vs mikki fued one bit, and I’m usually indifferent to diva’s matches.

Santino was funny as per SOP.

The Miz- Full disclosure, When they broke up Morrison and miz, I called that Morrison would be as good as he is as a singles wrestler, but I thought the Miz would be an epic failure. Well, he’s proving me wrong. His “me vs the world” heel gimmick has been quite entertaining, and hey, anytime you shoot a midget in the nuts with a T-shirt launcher, you have to get some points. Felt he was buried in the rumble. More on that later.

What was awful

Triple H wins the rumble- seriously, AGAIN I have to watch these two go at it? I’m just so tired of the “triple H never puts anyone over” gimmick and the endless title matches until he’s champ again. Would it kill hunter to be out of the title picture for even a month or two due to something other than injury? So, so tired. Also, the miz (and again im not a huge fan, though he’s growing on me) pulls off the one good trick a heel can do in a rumble and he doesn’t even get ONE offensive move in before he’s tossed? That’s lame, it ruined any buildup./ hype he could have gotten off that.

Cena vs big show still going- ok, this should be over. It’s a boring fued to begin with, and now were going to carry it forward?

MVP continues to not get pushed into the title picture- I seriously had him winning the rumble last night ro costing a Main eventer to get into a fued. he is your only new talent in the ME on raw, give him a shot in one of these fueds.

Donald freaking trump?- This p---ed me off alot. I mean, who cares? When Vince laid out the gimmick that he’s selling raw, at first I was like “wow, this could be a really good storyline. It allows you the fiction that smack down and raw actually are competitors again, and makes them separate shows. This could be interesting with the right GM/ owner on raw.” And then he pulls out trump, instantly signailing that it will be a short gimmick, since trump is not going to be making the raw touring schedule.

The one way they can save that is to have trump appoint a custodian and have it be someone interesting.

Overall: I was going to give raw a pretty good score, but then I ran into a forum thread about this from last night and one of the posters was right on/ EVERYTHING that anyone liked last night was smackdown based. Smackdown saved a horrendous raw show.

Smackdown continues to be the far and away better show to watch. They have better wrestlers between punk, Jericho, morrision, edge, hardy and rey. They have better storylines now. If they ever get MVP and Kofi, I’ll stop watching raw all together lol.
“I will hurt you for this. A day will come when you think you’re safe and happy and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth. And you will know the debt is paid.” – Tyrion

« Reply #53 on: June 29, 2009, 11:23:15 AM »

Offline crownsy

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Just a post on the bash from last night, in case any other suckers still watches WWE like me :D

1.   What was good

Rey-Jericho was excellent. Good swerve with the two masks, I was a little ticked that the IC title changed hands yet again, but I guess this is the new era of WWE, where title reigns are short.

CM Punk heel turn- I am really enjoying how they are turning punk heel. It’s been well handled and his character has been really developed. Not only that, but they’ve use this turn to put several younger guys over (like morrision). Note to Triple H- you can lose clean and still make the other guy look good along with you, Punk is living proof. Also a really good match with a good ending to continue the fued.

Tag match- Cool match, awesome ending for me as a Jericho and edge mark. I hope they keep this tag team together for a bit and let them cut promo’s, should be awesome. Good place to use Jericho and edge by the WWE while the smackdown title hunt revolves around hardy and punk. They are both great heels and now they have an excuse to be on both shows for a bit before somehow splitting the titles.

ECW scramble was good, but a little to hectic.

Orton keeping the title is very good, though how he did it irked me.

2. Things I didn’t like/ didn’t understand-

The miz being absolutely buried in a 5 minute match- I don’t get this one. You let the kid talk for 2 months, he builds up some decent heel heat, and then you squash him with no offense in a five minute match?

Listen, I’m not advocating that he should have been put over, the result was fine. But why not let him get some sort of heel offense/ cheap tricks in? They had 2 really good months of build up for the guy, and then he looks like dog poo in a squash match….if you let him have a decent match, then you set him up as a good mid card heel while cena still gets the pop from ending his angle…I didn’t get this one, mabey they will throw out a swerve on raw tonight.

Orton once again being made to look weak- Listen WWE, we get it. Hunter is your top performer on RAW. Would it kill him to have a good match and put someone over once in awhile?

Not only that, but this tired mantra of “if hunter loses, it’s a cheap finish, and he will immediately destroy his opponent seconds after the loss” is making ortona nd legacy look like jokes as a stable and heels.

Also, it once again continues a tired storyline, I am really trying to get into this fued WWE, but how many times can hunter make Orton look weak while losing by outside interference before it gets old?

This storyline needs a swerve/ 3rd party involved, it has no interest for me.

Overall, a decent PPV, but once again I feel like everything entertaining came from smackdown, while raw stayed perfectly static. Raw needs something to shake up the M/E scene.

Also, there is no excuse for having nothing booked on this card for the following: kofi, MVP, Morrison, and evan bourne yet you book a dolph ziggler vs kahli match.

anyone else watch this and have any thoughts?
“I will hurt you for this. A day will come when you think you’re safe and happy and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth. And you will know the debt is paid.” – Tyrion

« Reply #54 on: June 29, 2009, 11:29:51 AM »

Offline cdif911

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I don't buy the ppvs, but I was shocked to see Miz only got 5 minutes and lost clean - why build it up like that just to kill him - the wwe needs more heels, and he has been so perfect in the role...
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« Reply #55 on: June 29, 2009, 11:32:24 AM »

Offline crownsy

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I don't buy the ppvs, but I was shocked to see Miz only got 5 minutes and lost clean - why build it up like that just to kill him - the wwe needs more heels, and he has been so perfect in the role...

yea, i don't buy them either, I stream them if im home or read the spoilers, but i totally agree on miz, what was the point of his build up if he jobs in 5 minutes without one offensive move?

“I will hurt you for this. A day will come when you think you’re safe and happy and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth. And you will know the debt is paid.” – Tyrion

« Reply #56 on: June 29, 2009, 11:37:11 AM »

Offline cdif911

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I don't buy the ppvs, but I was shocked to see Miz only got 5 minutes and lost clean - why build it up like that just to kill him - the wwe needs more heels, and he has been so perfect in the role...

yea, i don't buy them either, I stream them if im home or read the spoilers, but i totally agree on miz, what was the point of his build up if he jobs in 5 minutes without one offensive move?

can you stream for free?
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« Reply #57 on: June 29, 2009, 11:53:31 AM »

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Thanks for the recap.  I just got back in to the WWE a few months ago after over a decade of ignoring it.  It's kind of fun these days.  I got the Extreme Rules ppv, but didn't want to shell out the cash for this one, so thanks for the recap.

I'm p---ed about the Miz match.  I really was hoping he'd get to be a somewhat legit wrestler and not just a joke.  I really like the Miz for some reason.  He's good on the mic, and pretty entertaining.  Like you guys have said, it really doesn't make much sense to have him get blown out like that. 

And I love that CM Punk is starting to turn.  I just watched the DVR of Smackdown last night and saw him start the turn by giving that cheap shot to Morrison (i think it was him...right?).  I would love to see a story line where CM Punk fell off the wagon and starting boozing and doing all this bad stuff which turned him bad.  Then they can send him to rehab and have him turn good again 'blaming' the drugs and alcohol for his downfall.  It would be fun. 

Anyways, thanks again for the update...i love how you can find anything on this blog...haha.  TP for you

« Reply #58 on: June 29, 2009, 12:00:48 PM »

Online wdleehi

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The Miz squash is a chance to move Cena on. 

The whole Evolution fighting is killing the show.  It is boring.  I can see them moving to a Cena/Orton program. 

They have killed Priceless (I don't like the new name). Every week, they get beat up by a single person, wrestler or owner. 

They are doing a much better job on Smackdown with story lines.  They have the better athletes right now.  They have two of the best heels (with CM punk having a chance to show why he is a good heel)  They can carry the weak promo of the top faces right now. 

« Reply #59 on: June 29, 2009, 12:04:14 PM »

Offline crownsy

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The Miz squash is a chance to move Cena on. 

The whole Evolution fighting is killing the show.  It is boring.  I can see them moving to a Cena/Orton program. 

They have killed Priceless (I don't like the new name). Every week, they get beat up by a single person, wrestler or owner. 

They are doing a much better job on Smackdown with story lines.  They have the better athletes right now.  They have two of the best heels (with CM punk having a chance to show why he is a good heel)  They can carry the weak promo of the top faces right now. 

I agree WDL, they need to do something to shake up priceless and orton, because the HHH fued is doing nothing for them if it just means they get destroyed every week.

and on miz, i agree with you, and i'm cool with cena winning in a dominate fashion...i just think they could have given miz SOME sort of leg to stand on in that match.

I mean, where does he go from here? he has no momentum, because cena buried him SO badly. It's one thing to beat a guy, it another to crush him in a 5 minute squash and even add in the "kickign dirt on his grave" move after the attitude adjustment.

Again, mabey raw has a good swerve for us tonight on that, but it just seemed poorly booked. result of the match was fine, booking of the match not so much (for me anyway)

but yea, smackdown is just a much better product right now. Raw is so stale, and really has no mid card...Hopefully a shake up is coming, edge and Y2J holding the unified belts will at least give them two main eventers that they can put in the upper mid card to prop up the show while showcasing younger raw guys as tag teams.

Clarification: I know it seems like im hardcore anti-triple H, but that's not the case. I think hunter is a phenomenal M/E and legit HOF'er. My problem is that, whether by his own violation or his wife being the head booker, he can never be out of the main event picture, and never loses clean to anyone not named HBK.

Even his one clean "loss" to orton was only done because he needed 2 months off.

I like hunter alot, but i would really appreciate a gimmick change or new storyline for him, because as it currently stands, his storyline with orton is tired, and holding raw back.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2009, 12:09:59 PM by crownsy »
“I will hurt you for this. A day will come when you think you’re safe and happy and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth. And you will know the debt is paid.” – Tyrion