Author Topic: Ainge grilled on Rich and Toucher - no blame on himself/Stevens. But players..  (Read 8713 times)

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Offline MBunge

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“I’m certainly aware of all of our competition around the East,” Ainge said. “It’s not from a lack of desire to want to do a trade, but as an organization we have priorities and a plan. “We’re not looking for Band-Aids and we’re not looking to give up future assets. We’re trying to build something more sustainable than a rent-a-player.

Read more at:

It is pretty obvious we have bigger holes than a Band-Aid could fix, heck we might need a tourniquet.    We are soft, lack a second scorer and don't rebound.   I think Ainge has fell in love with his assets.   Some of the assets have their warts.  He is in it for the long game.  Boston is a city of Champions and impatient to some degree in wanting a winner.   Most cities would love to have the titles they have.

This team overachieved once again, and was fun to watch.   But talent matters and the playoffs are a different game.
For those complaining about Ainge not doing a deal this season, this quote is key. He knows the team isn't good enough to compete for a championship and he also knows that any of the minor deals that were available to him wouldn't have gotten the team to that level either, but might have constricted his ability to do a deal this summer which could get them into contention.

Basically, he sees a short term fix as being harmful to the long term success.

You don't have to agree but if the C's wind up landing a big fish this summer with assets that otherwise might not have been available, everyone here will be pretty happy.

We hear this refrain before every deadline. Fireworks, you know. Remind me again what has happened.

You can only cry wolf so often before you lose your credibility, with everyone who hasn't drank the Kool-Aid and slipped on the Nikes.

How long has it been since Ainge pulled off one of the greatest heists in trade history?

How long has it been since he traded for a guy two teams gave up on and had him become an MVP candidate?

After Durant, who made a bigger free agent signing than Al Horford?

If you really want to "hate watch" something, go try The Walking Dead and leave the Celtics alone.


Offline Eja117

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"Bigger" free agent signing? Or "better" free agent signing? If the question is "better" I'd be tempted to go with "everybody."