Author Topic: Least ten movies  (Read 15507 times)

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Re: Least ten movies
« Reply #30 on: January 16, 2013, 09:39:20 PM »

Offline Eja117

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I obviously didn't get American Graffiti. It just seemed to me like all they did was drive around. Just weird. And long.  Also I admit JFK was watchable but just so inaccurate.

Re: Least ten movies
« Reply #31 on: January 18, 2013, 01:13:44 AM »

Offline freshinthehouse

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1 The Eagle......there just couldn't be a more horrid movie. Just insulting
2 Avatar
3 Schindler's List
4 Brokeback Mountain ( I appreciate that they swung for the fences but they fell over in the attempt like Babe Ruth did at times)
5 some of those Steve Martin movies like Lonely Guy
6 The Graduate
7 2001 A Space Oddessy
8 American Grafitti
9 Sideways
10 The English Patient....Shakespeare in Love...they're like the same movie

Haha eja I like almost all of these movies!  I've never seen The Eagle, 2001, or Shakespeare in Love, but I've seen everything else and they'd all get a thumbs up.  I just saw English Patient a year or so ago.  I had always assumed it wouldn't be up my alley, but I ended up enjoying it.  Schindler's List and Brokeback Mountain are two of the greatest movies I've ever seen.

Re: Least ten movies
« Reply #32 on: January 18, 2013, 01:54:22 AM »

Offline freshinthehouse

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In the spirit of eja's post, I'm gonna leave off the countless Z-list horror movies that I've seen that were completely terrible.  I'm going to limit to movies with decent budgets, or movies that received some critical praise.

1) Batman and Robin.  Worst big budget movie I have ever seen.
2) Star Wars- Phantom Menace.  Just found it too long, too boring, and too much CGI.  Lucas should've let someone else direct these movies.

3) First Lord of the Rings.  To be fair I didn't give it much of a chance, but I was falling asleep during the entire movie, and that rarely happens to me.  I thought it was way too overdrawn.

4) Alien Resurrection.  Objectively it's not truly awful (but still pretty bad), but I was such a huge Alien-franchise nerd growing up, and this was my first chance to catch one on the theatre.  Talk about a disappointment.

5)  Speed 2.  The bar isn't set too high for this one, but it is truly awful.


Re: Least ten movies
« Reply #33 on: January 18, 2013, 02:52:47 AM »

Offline LarBrd33

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The movies you hated most or were most disappointed in

1 The Eagle......there just couldn't be a more horrid movie. Just insulting
2 Avatar
3 Schindler's List
4 Brokeback Mountain ( I appreciate that they swung for the fences but they fell over in the attempt like Babe Ruth did at times)
5 some of those Steve Martin movies like Lonely Guy
6 The Graduate
7 2001 A Space Oddessy
8 American Grafitti
9 Sideways
10 The English Patient....Shakespeare in Love...they're like the same movie

JFK is very competitive with these films.   

I think Avatar is the most watchable of these films despite the absurdness

Also I think it's worth noting Godfather 3 was nominated best picture. It lost to Dances With Wolves. Goodfellas was also nominated that year. Godfather 3 is a fine film in a vacuum. But it was like an A - or B+ film trying to follow on the heels of two A ++++++++++++ films.  It was like trading Michael Jordan for Wally Szerbiak or Dale Ellis. Those guys were good. They played in an all star game. But you can't do that
Come on that's your list?  Maybe you should say they are movies you felt were "overrated", because it just seems like a list of well regarded films you are saying you hated to be provocative.  Kinda like when my friend says that "Lost in Translation" was a "HORRIBLE MOVIE".  He's wrong... he's just saying that, because he knows some people love it.

If we're talking about movies we've seen that actually blatantly sucked, I don't think any of those movies would make anyone's legitimate list. 

Of movies I actually hated... #1 was "The Love guru"  ... I had taken a girl to see "WALL-E" and she claimed it was awful.  She said it was "incredibly boring" and that she'd be telling all her friends to avoid it.  I disagreed, but I allowed her to pick the movie the next date.  She took me to see "The Love Guru" and she couldn't stop laughing through the entire thing.  Just cackling like a total idiot.  At one point she actually snorted.  I never went out with her again.  That movie was an abomination.

#2 ... I probably have to go with the only movie that has ever actually made me come close to falling asleep in a movie theater.  "The Transporter 2".   I was bored to death by it and desperately trying to keep myself awake while watching it. To be fair, I don't remember a single scene from that movie... maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought.

Most recently, I have to say "Rock of Ages" was pretty dreadful.  I got stuck watching that in the theater as well.  Oh and "Red Tails".  That was a garbage movie and seemed like it was written by a 3rd grader.  "Sucker Punch" is as bad as everyone says it is.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 03:05:38 AM by LarBrd33 »

Re: Least ten movies
« Reply #34 on: January 18, 2013, 03:00:43 AM »

Offline LarBrd33

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1. I Am Legend

Yeah man this is a good one.  Actually probably should be on my list.

I didn't like a single thing about it.
The biggest problem with "I Am Legend" is the ending.  It makes no freakin sense.  The entire movie they are building to a very obvious ending and then for some reason it never goes there.  I was flabbergasted by it.   Some months later, the movie came out on DVD and I heard word of an "alternate ending".  I knew IMMEDIATELY what that alternate ending HAD to be since it was so freakin clear that's what the movie was building towards.   And turns out, I was right.   "Several scenes were changed before the film's release, especially the stand-off between Neville and the infected in his laboratory. In the alternate ending, the alpha male makes a butterfly-shaped smear on the glass. Neville realizes that the alpha male is identifying the woman he was experimenting on by a butterfly tattoo, and that the alpha male wants her back. Neville puts his gun down and returns the infected woman. Neville and the alpha male then exchange stares; Neville apologizes to the Darkseekers; the alpha male acknowledges his apology, and the infected leave. Shocked by the ordeal, Neville sits down for a moment in his laboratory. Looking over the pictures of his numerous test subjects, the implications of his research methods begin to dawn on him. The final shot follows Neville, Anna, and Ethan as they drive away towards Vermont with the antidote.[40]  According to visual effects supervisor Janek Sirrs: "At that point, Neville's — and the audience's — assumptions about the nature of these creatures are shown to be incorrect. We see that they have actually retained some of their humanity. There is a very important moment between the alpha male and Neville.""

I still have no freakin idea why they didn't go with that ending in the theatrical release.  It seemed very obvious from the start that the Alpha merely wanted his girl back... hence why he was coming out in daylight and everything.   I feel like "I am Legend" wouldn't be on the "worst" list if they had gone with that ending originally.  The ending they went with made no sense in conjunction with the rest of the film.

Re: Least ten movies
« Reply #35 on: January 18, 2013, 06:21:23 AM »

Offline Eja117

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The movies you hated most or were most disappointed in

1 The Eagle......there just couldn't be a more horrid movie. Just insulting
2 Avatar
3 Schindler's List
4 Brokeback Mountain ( I appreciate that they swung for the fences but they fell over in the attempt like Babe Ruth did at times)
5 some of those Steve Martin movies like Lonely Guy
6 The Graduate
7 2001 A Space Oddessy
8 American Grafitti
9 Sideways
10 The English Patient....Shakespeare in Love...they're like the same movie

JFK is very competitive with these films.   

I think Avatar is the most watchable of these films despite the absurdness

Also I think it's worth noting Godfather 3 was nominated best picture. It lost to Dances With Wolves. Goodfellas was also nominated that year. Godfather 3 is a fine film in a vacuum. But it was like an A - or B+ film trying to follow on the heels of two A ++++++++++++ films.  It was like trading Michael Jordan for Wally Szerbiak or Dale Ellis. Those guys were good. They played in an all star game. But you can't do that
Come on that's your list?  Maybe you should say they are movies you felt were "overrated", because it just seems like a list of well regarded films you are saying you hated to be provocative.  Kinda like when my friend says that "Lost in Translation" was a "HORRIBLE MOVIE".  He's wrong... he's just saying that, because he knows some people love it.

If we're talking about movies we've seen that actually blatantly sucked, I don't think any of those movies would make anyone's legitimate list. 

Of movies I actually hated... #1 was "The Love guru"  ... I had taken a girl to see "WALL-E" and she claimed it was awful.  She said it was "incredibly boring" and that she'd be telling all her friends to avoid it.  I disagreed, but I allowed her to pick the movie the next date.  She took me to see "The Love Guru" and she couldn't stop laughing through the entire thing.  Just cackling like a total idiot.  At one point she actually snorted.  I never went out with her again.  That movie was an abomination.

#2 ... I probably have to go with the only movie that has ever actually made me come close to falling asleep in a movie theater.  "The Transporter 2".   I was bored to death by it and desperately trying to keep myself awake while watching it. To be fair, I don't remember a single scene from that movie... maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought.

Most recently, I have to say "Rock of Ages" was pretty dreadful.  I got stuck watching that in the theater as well.  Oh and "Red Tails".  That was a garbage movie and seemed like it was written by a 3rd grader.  "Sucker Punch" is as bad as everyone says it is.
I said that's my list of movies I hated most or was most disappointed in

Re: Least ten movies
« Reply #36 on: January 18, 2013, 04:39:32 PM »

Offline Eja117

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1. I Am Legend

Yeah man this is a good one.  Actually probably should be on my list.

I didn't like a single thing about it.
The biggest problem with "I Am Legend" is the ending.  It makes no freakin sense.  The entire movie they are building to a very obvious ending and then for some reason it never goes there.  I was flabbergasted by it.   Some months later, the movie came out on DVD and I heard word of an "alternate ending".  I knew IMMEDIATELY what that alternate ending HAD to be since it was so freakin clear that's what the movie was building towards.   And turns out, I was right.   "Several scenes were changed before the film's release, especially the stand-off between Neville and the infected in his laboratory. In the alternate ending, the alpha male makes a butterfly-shaped smear on the glass. Neville realizes that the alpha male is identifying the woman he was experimenting on by a butterfly tattoo, and that the alpha male wants her back. Neville puts his gun down and returns the infected woman. Neville and the alpha male then exchange stares; Neville apologizes to the Darkseekers; the alpha male acknowledges his apology, and the infected leave. Shocked by the ordeal, Neville sits down for a moment in his laboratory. Looking over the pictures of his numerous test subjects, the implications of his research methods begin to dawn on him. The final shot follows Neville, Anna, and Ethan as they drive away towards Vermont with the antidote.[40]  According to visual effects supervisor Janek Sirrs: "At that point, Neville's — and the audience's — assumptions about the nature of these creatures are shown to be incorrect. We see that they have actually retained some of their humanity. There is a very important moment between the alpha male and Neville.""

I still have no freakin idea why they didn't go with that ending in the theatrical release.  It seemed very obvious from the start that the Alpha merely wanted his girl back... hence why he was coming out in daylight and everything.   I feel like "I am Legend" wouldn't be on the "worst" list if they had gone with that ending originally.  The ending they went with made no sense in conjunction with the rest of the film.
He wanted his girl back so he brought an army?

Re: Least ten movies
« Reply #37 on: January 18, 2013, 07:17:12 PM »

Offline hwangjini_1

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I could not read a thread about bad movies from the start, so forgive me is this  flick has been mentioned already.

Plan 9 from outer space.

Is there a more rancid movie ever? This is so bad it is good. If you have not yet watched it you are a cultural troglodyte. You must watch it and you must consume large amounts of alcohol while doing so.

Next?  Eraser head.  This is the most disturbing movie I have ever seen. I do not even pretend to understand it. Do not watch it.
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Re: Least ten movies
« Reply #38 on: May 30, 2013, 10:08:52 PM »

Offline Eja117

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I'm watching Annie Hall right now. When I'm done maybe someone should give me a purple heart.

Re: Least ten movies
« Reply #39 on: May 30, 2013, 10:19:09 PM »

Offline KGs Knee

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The 3rd Mummy movie was horrendous.  Didn't even have the same woman as Brendan Frasier's wife.

Other than that, I can't really think of too many movies I watched that I hated.  I almost never to go the theater, and if a movie I'm watching at home sucks, I just stop watching.  I'm already out money, why waste my time as well.

Re: Least ten movies
« Reply #40 on: May 30, 2013, 10:19:51 PM »

Offline esel1000

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The Village... some horror movie

Re: Least ten movies
« Reply #41 on: May 31, 2013, 12:30:43 AM »

Offline WeMadeIt17

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Hate to admit this but my girl wanted to go see time travelers wife.. Man that was just straight up awful. My girl and I literally left about 45 minutes into it. It was so bad. Really really bad.

Like really bad.

Re: Least ten movies
« Reply #42 on: May 31, 2013, 01:42:59 AM »


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Coyote Ugly - The most annoying movie, ever. Fake singing and all.
All Steve Martin movies - Just can't stand the guy.
Mario Bros - FAIL.
Free Willy series - Harpoon the fish already.
John Carter - Yeah. No.
2012 - Thought it was a joke.
Catwoman - Really? Man, I wish Tim Burton would've, right after Batman Returns.
Glitter / Crossroads - No "worst movie" list is complete without these two.
Dragonball - What a crying shame of a movie that was.
Coyote Ugly - DANG that movie is terrible!

Honorable mention: Sky captain and the world of tomorrow. Fell asleep during that one. I don't usually do that.

Re: Least ten movies
« Reply #43 on: May 31, 2013, 02:53:57 AM »

Offline ederson

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Pluto Nash (I was really excited for this)

TP for this one ....

amazingly bad !!!