Author Topic: Hack-An-Aussie  (Read 1044 times)

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« on: December 05, 2010, 10:52:06 AM »

Offline KGs Knee

  • Frank Ramsey
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Wacthing the Orlando/Milwaukee game last night.  Milwaukee had a 5pt+ lead with 3+min left.  Orlando decides to play the intentional foul game with Bogut.  Guess I was wrong in another thread, in which I thought this wasn't allowed, hey we're all wrong sometimes.

Anyways, Orlando was starting to get back in the game while Bogut missed FT after FT.  He did make 3 in a row, at which point SVG gave up on the routine.  The bigger point was , it worked (at least temporarily).  SVG should have kept with it.

Bigger picture, I am wondering when teams start trying this with Rondo.  Sometimes he has games where he shoots 75%+, other games he'll miss almost all his attempts. I fully believe in Rondo as an boderline elite player in this league, but he needs to get this aspect of his game better.  I know this has been discussed ad nauseum, but watching that ORL/MIL game made it more glaring to me.  Rondo could be so much more effective drinving to the hoop if he could just shoot 75% from the line.

Re: Hack-An-Aussie
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2010, 11:11:08 AM »

Offline Fafnir

  • Bill Russell
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a. During the last two minutes of the fourth period or overtime period(s) with the offensive team in possession of the ball, all personal fouls which are assessed against the defensive team prior to the ball being released on a throw-in and/or away-from-the-play, shall be administered as follows:
(1) A personal foul and team foul shall be assessed and one free throw attempt shall be awarded. The free throw may be attempted by any play-er in the game at the time the personal foul was committed.
(2) If the foul occurs when the ball is inbounds, the offended team shall be awarded the ball at the nearest point where play was interrupted but no nearer to the baseline than the free throw line extended.
(3) If the foul occurs prior to the release on a throw-in, the offended team shall be awarded the ball at the original throw-in spot, with all privileges, if any, remaining.

Orlando was able to do this because there were more than two minutes remaining. Once its within two minutes you can't foul off the ball like this.

Teams don't do this to Rondo because it would put them in the penalty quickly and then we could have Pierce/Ray handle the ball to set our offense as well. I could see a team doing this to Rondo if he's shredding them and they're desperate, but only then.

Re: Hack-An-Aussie
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2010, 11:27:20 AM »

Offline KGs Knee

  • Frank Ramsey
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a. During the last two minutes of the fourth period or overtime period(s) with the offensive team in possession of the ball, all personal fouls which are assessed against the defensive team prior to the ball being released on a throw-in and/or away-from-the-play, shall be administered as follows:
(1) A personal foul and team foul shall be assessed and one free throw attempt shall be awarded. The free throw may be attempted by any play-er in the game at the time the personal foul was committed.
(2) If the foul occurs when the ball is inbounds, the offended team shall be awarded the ball at the nearest point where play was interrupted but no nearer to the baseline than the free throw line extended.
(3) If the foul occurs prior to the release on a throw-in, the offended team shall be awarded the ball at the original throw-in spot, with all privileges, if any, remaining.

Orlando was able to do this because there were more than two minutes remaining. Once its within two minutes you can't foul off the ball like this.

Teams don't do this to Rondo because it would put them in the penalty quickly and then we could have Pierce/Ray handle the ball to set our offense as well. I could see a team doing this to Rondo if he's shredding them and they're desperate, but only then.

Well, then I guess I was right about the rule, just not on the time frame when the additional penalty kicks-in.  Bogut started making his FT's with about 2:30 left in the game, so it never got to that point.

As far as why teams don't foul Rondo, I can see this being true after 2min left in the game.  I don't think the penalty would have much effect, teams usually are already long ago in the penalty with only 2min left in the game.  Rather funny that Rondo gets saved by a rule created because of Shaq.