CelticsStrong > Comments & Remarks

Why are the Latest Forum Topics no longer on the main CB page?

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That seems like it is really going to hurt this forum's visibility going forward.  I think I noticed it a few months ago.  This forum is a gem and there are maybe 3 or 4 other team specific ones that are anywhere near as robust as this one.  I don't get why it's essentially being hidden now.

It's been that way since last season I believe.  I have always wondered why as well.  I remember Jeff commenting on it once but I don't recall the reason.

Remains true today.

All there is is a link to the Forum (sic) at the header

It could be a good way to keep the trolls out of the forum.

A Future of Stevens:
Edit: I am an idiot and misunderstood what was going on. Sorry guys.


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