Author Topic: How Do You Search for a Topic/Subject on this Forum?  (Read 53584 times)

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How Do You Search for a Topic/Subject on this Forum?
« on: April 09, 2021, 03:32:00 PM »

Offline Silas

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Looking for something and realized there is no obvious (to me) search option.  I'm getting too old.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2021, 05:18:11 PM by Redz »
I've lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.   -  Mark Twain

Offline jambr380

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If you click on the 'profile' link on the right hand side, a url will show up in your search bar. If you change the last word 'profile' to the word 'search', you will get your classic search like olden times.

Offline Silas

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If you click on the 'profile' link on the right hand side, a url will show up in your search bar. If you change the last word 'profile' to the word 'search', you will get your classic search like olden times.

Thank you very much.  It worked.  I've been on this forum for many years and never new your guidance.   TP to you.
I've lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.   -  Mark Twain

Offline bdm860

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If you click on the 'profile' link on the right hand side, a url will show up in your search bar. If you change the last word 'profile' to the word 'search', you will get your classic search like olden times.

One more to add, if you want to see the members list:

It's like ordering off a secret menu at your favorite fast food restaurant.

After 18 months with their Bigs, the Littles were: 46% less likely to use illegal drugs, 27% less likely to use alcohol, 52% less likely to skip school, 37% less likely to skip a class

Offline Silas

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If you click on the 'profile' link on the right hand side, a url will show up in your search bar. If you change the last word 'profile' to the word 'search', you will get your classic search like olden times.

One more to add, if you want to see the members list:

It's like ordering off a secret menu at your favorite fast food restaurant.

Thanks.  TP to you.  I wish there was a way I could recover my old posts from back in the CelticsBlog days and also recover my old TPs.  Especially the ones I gambled on the Blog and lost.
I've lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.   -  Mark Twain

Offline jambr380

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TPs to both of you. Bdm upstaging everybody, as usual  ;)

Yeah, there were a couple of versions before this one back pre-07. I used to be pretty bummed out about losing those posts/TPs, but I guess I can't complain too much now, like 14 years later.

Those bets were certainly killer. I missed on a couple of the earlier ones, but finally hit on one in the IT/KO Wizards game 7 and am holding steady now. I am not much of a gambler, so I was glad to get back what I lost, and will probably never bet again  :D

Offline Silas

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TPs to both of you. Bdm upstaging everybody, as usual  ;)

Yeah, there were a couple of versions before this one back pre-07. I used to be pretty bummed out about losing those posts/TPs, but I guess I can't complain too much now, like 14 years later.

Those bets were certainly killer. I missed on a couple of the earlier ones, but finally hit on one in the IT/KO Wizards game 7 and am holding steady now. I am not much of a gambler, so I was glad to get back what I lost, and will probably never bet again  :D

Thanks for the TP and reminiscing about the old days.  I wasn't as lucky.
I've lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.   -  Mark Twain

Online Redz

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I moved this to Community/Using Celtics Strong and I stickied it, because I've tried to figure this very thing out a bunch of times!

Re: How Do You Search for a Topic/Subject on this Forum?
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2022, 08:42:26 AM »

Offline GreenShooter

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Can someone send me info on how to delete an account? I don't see it anywhere in the profile page or settings, etc.

Re: How Do You Search for a Topic/Subject on this Forum?
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2022, 08:54:39 AM »

Online Roy H.

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Can someone send me info on how to delete an account? I don't see it anywhere in the profile page or settings, etc.

We don't allow deleting of accounts. 

Depending upon why you want to delete it, we may be able to assist with some of your concerns.  Feel free to send a PM to any moderator or administrator.


Online hwangjini_1

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If you click on the 'profile' link on the right hand side, a url will show up in your search bar. If you change the last word 'profile' to the word 'search', you will get your classic search like olden times.

One more to add, if you want to see the members list:

It's like ordering off a secret menu at your favorite fast food restaurant.
thanks bdm for the link and a tp. it is always fun to go there and see the posters. so many names of people i used to read here. and so many names of people who still post.

we have been a community for quite a long time. we now have 2006 as our first posts here, but so many of us pre-date that and posted on the previous version of this place.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2022, 12:58:14 PM by hwangjini_1 »
I believe Gandhi is the only person who knew about real democracy — not democracy as the right to go and buy what you want, but democracy as the responsibility to be accountable to everyone around you. Democracy begins with freedom from hunger, freedom from unemployment, freedom from fear, and freedom from hatred.
- Vandana Shiva

Re: How Do You Search for a Topic/Subject on this Forum?
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2024, 12:30:42 PM »

Online Redz

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Just bumping this one in case anyone ever wondered how to do this.  I was just trying to search for something.  I'd stickied this here a long time ago, but not sure if anyone else knows it's here.

Re: How Do You Search for a Topic/Subject on this Forum?
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2024, 12:44:07 PM »

Offline Donoghus

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Just bumping this one in case anyone ever wondered how to do this.  I was just trying to search for something.  I'd stickied this here a long time ago, but not sure if anyone else knows it's here.

Looking at that member list.  Some real blast in the past names there.

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Re: How Do You Search for a Topic/Subject on this Forum?
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2024, 02:29:45 PM »

Offline bdm860

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Just bumping this one in case anyone ever wondered how to do this.  I was just trying to search for something.  I'd stickied this here a long time ago, but not sure if anyone else knows it's here.

Looking at that member list.  Some real blast in the past names there.

Sorting by registered date, nobody new has joined in over a year.  It looks like it's been 3 years since a new active poster has joined.

Year registered for users with over 100 posts,
2006   144
2007   477
2008   99
2009   89
2010   91
2011   81
2012   64
2013   74
2014   73
2015   54
2016   25
2017   21
2018   10
2019   15
2020   11
2021   3
2022   0
2023   0
2024   0

I kinda thought this might happen with the move to and then split from SB Nation/Celticsblog (which happened in Sep '18). but the site still was able to draw some new users for the next couple of years.  Kinda surprising no spike with the Isaiah teams or wining the lottery/signing Hayward/getting Kyrie.  I would think some of that would spike new users similar to what I believe the KG trade did in '07.  Even the '22 Finals run (well after the Celticsblog split) no new active users joined.

So maybe this is just old tech?  I believe many of us are younger Gen X and older Millennials.  Maybe younger Millennials and Gen Z moved on to other avenues (Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Discord, etc.) to discuss their fandom?  Or maybe nobody can find us?

Maybe we should re-brand?  Taylor Swift Strong!

After 18 months with their Bigs, the Littles were: 46% less likely to use illegal drugs, 27% less likely to use alcohol, 52% less likely to skip school, 37% less likely to skip a class