Author Topic: Super off topic, off topic thread  (Read 1657707 times)

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Re: Super off topic, off topic thread
« Reply #3690 on: July 06, 2020, 10:31:12 PM »


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Re: Super off topic, off topic thread
« Reply #3691 on: July 31, 2020, 01:44:15 PM »

Offline bdm860

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I don't know where to put this but I gotta put it somewhere.  Need to vent a little.

I tend to look at Yahoo. Their news is slanted left, but their comments section tends to be mixed. 

Calling the Yahoo comments section mixed is like saying Jefferson Davis was casually in favour of slavery.

This comment stuck out to me because I too read Yahoo.  Something about the articles and comments just does it for me, it's a combination of Roy's and petbrick's opinion though.

IMO, the articles are pretty left, but the comments are hard right, and it's hilarious to me and makes for interesting reading.  I loved reading a left leaning article only to go to the comments and see 90% of the commenters vehemently disagreeing with it.  It was the opposite of an echo chamber, and I don't know of many places where you can find that.

Sometimes I go to the comments section to mock the author/subject, sometimes I go to the comments section to look down on the commenters, but either way the comments always delivered on any hot button issue.

Anyway a week or so ago, Yahoo disabled their comments section.  Now none of the articles have comments anymore.  Totally ruins the experience and enjoyment for me.  I'm bummed.

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Re: Super off topic, off topic thread
« Reply #3692 on: November 28, 2020, 11:16:58 PM »


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Re: Super off topic, off topic thread
« Reply #3693 on: December 11, 2020, 05:36:56 PM »

Offline Phantom255x

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Finished two final exams today (both open notes lol) and DONE FOR THE SEMESTER!!  8)

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Re: Super off topic, off topic thread
« Reply #3694 on: January 05, 2022, 10:36:02 AM »

Offline Redz

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Sidebar conversation from the PTDS thread.  Someone referred to PTSD as an acronym.  I always thought an acronym was an abbreviation based on the first letters of a series of words that was pronounceable on its own.  For instance SCUBA or NASA can be said as a word, but NBA or PTSD is said as that series of letters.

Is this true?  A brief google search did not confirm my thought on this.  I feel like it might be one of those things that was taught one way when I was a kid, but the definition has now blurred a bit.

On a side side note:  while googling I did find a 2017 article about the World Taekwando Federation finally relinquishing it's initials as its title, and changing to simply World Taekwando.

Re: Super off topic, off topic thread
« Reply #3695 on: January 05, 2022, 11:58:53 AM »

Offline todd_days_41

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Whoa, this thread is OLD. Goes back fairly early in the Csblog era. Some of the classic posters of that day in the early pages....

Re: Super off topic, off topic thread
« Reply #3696 on: January 05, 2022, 02:23:44 PM »

Offline Redz

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Whoa, this thread is OLD. Goes back fairly early in the Csblog era. Some of the classic posters of that day in the early pages....

There are some very odd threads from back in the day!

Re: Super off topic, off topic thread
« Reply #3697 on: December 17, 2022, 09:31:23 PM »

Offline GreenlyGreeny

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Sidebar conversation from the PTDS thread.  Someone referred to PTSD as an acronym.  I always thought an acronym was an abbreviation based on the first letters of a series of words that was pronounceable on its own.  For instance SCUBA or NASA can be said as a word, but NBA or PTSD is said as that series of letters.

Is this true?  A brief google search did not confirm my thought on this.  I feel like it might be one of those things that was taught one way when I was a kid, but the definition has now blurred a bit.

On a side side note:  while googling I did find a 2017 article about the World Taekwando Federation finally relinquishing it's initials as its title, and changing to simply World Taekwando.

Huh? PTSD is an acronym that stands for post-traumatic stress disorder in the ICD-10. Acronyms are intended for efficiency purposes. They can be pronounced as a pseudo-word if it comes out right, or stating the letters if it sounds better. Celtics fans should start upsetting the establishment by pronouncing NBA as Nee-Bah instead of N-B-A.

Re: Super off topic, off topic thread
« Reply #3698 on: December 17, 2022, 09:33:54 PM »

Offline GreenlyGreeny

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slowest day in Celtics Blog perfect for this thread as the answer is unequivocally discussion necessary

Quoting this to figure out when this thread started lol

Edit: Wow. Right near the start of the 2008 Financial Crisis.

Re: Super off topic, off topic thread
« Reply #3699 on: December 17, 2022, 09:36:36 PM »

Offline GreenlyGreeny

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Rhode Island is neither a road nor an island, discuss.

Yeah, why is it referred to as an island? Can someone from RI enlighten us?

Re: Super off topic, off topic thread
« Reply #3700 on: December 17, 2022, 09:44:19 PM »

Offline GreenlyGreeny

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26 of 50 states have never had a president as a native son. That includes half of New England (ME, RI, CT) and 2/3rds of the west coast (WA, OR). Yes, three of the original 13 states have never had a president as a native son (RI, CT, MD), but the newest state (HI) has one.