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A reminder about conduct in the Patriots / Football forum
« on: October 29, 2007, 02:46:33 PM »

Offline Roy Hobbs

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After reading numerous posts in this forum, it is become increasingly clear that several of you have forgotten and/or chosen to ignore the site rules in regards to proper conduct.  Allow me to reiterate some of the seemingly overlooked ones:

  • Respect each other at all times. There is no need for name-calling or harassment of any poster. This includes behavior in all areas of Celticsblog, including forum posts, blog comments and personal messages. While we encourage lively debate there is no reason for anyone to disrespect a fellow poster's ideas.
  • Keep all commentary civil, and be courteous to all. Constructive criticism is welcome, but insults directed towards other users or the site staff will not be tolerated. Coarse/insulting language is not allowed under any circumstances.  This prohibition also extends to any off color or inappropriate remarks. Sarcasm can be misinterpreted, so be very careful when using it in a post.
  • Do not “lure” or “bait” others towards rule-breaking behavior.  This prohibition applies site-wide.  Responding to such “bait” in a manner that violates Celticsblog rules is equally inappropriate, and is subject to the same level of punishment.
  • No “trolling”.  Commenting in a thread in a manner that is likely to provoke an angry response from others is not permitted...

This post will be the final warning; any further rule-breaking behavior in this forum will result in a suspension, and potentially revocation of your privileges to post in the off-topic forum.  There is no reason that every football thread has to devolve into a borderline flame war.

I would strongly suggest that if you're a Pats fan, you confine your comments to the Pats, rather than the New York Giants.  If you're a Giants fan, confine your comments to the Giants.  Such comments look suspiciously like baiting, trolling, and/or latent insecurity.  If you can't remain civil -- and the actions of several posters on this forum have shown that they cannot be -- then don't enter into the argument at all.

I hope that I'm clear.

All the negativity in this town sucks. It sucks, and it stinks, and it sucks. - Rick Pitino

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Re: A reminder about conduct in the Patriots / Football forum
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2007, 02:53:04 PM »

Offline rondohondo

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Re: A reminder about conduct in the Patriots / Football forum
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2007, 03:21:34 PM »

Offline nickagneta

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Looks like football threads are heading in the same direction as the political threads, ....cya football threads :'(

What happens as this site gets largr and more popular and non-Celtic fans start posting their displeasure with the Celtics winning every game by 30 points this year? Everyone will become pretty heated! Will we be ceasing Celtics threads then?

I fully expect a very stern rebuke in the form of a PM or a suspension for this post. It goes in line with the ever increasing police state that seems to be becoming a part of this site over the last 3-4 months.

And you know what that's fine, it's Jeff's site and the mods receive nothing for the thankless job they do and this is a great site. But I'm just voicing my 2 cents of constructive criticism. Sometimes for the overall good some things need to be changed. I mean even the Constitution had the Bill of Rights.

Maybe letting certain threads get a little testy is a good thing, and an entertaining thing. I mean isn't that what this site does is entertain us in a participatory manner?

Besides wouldn't the continued constricting of topic forums or lively debate eventually cause a plateauing of general interest in the site and possible decrease of participation? I'm pretty sure the advertisers wouldn't like that!

Just some thoughts, sorry in advance if you don't agree or find this insulting or problematic.

Re: A reminder about conduct in the Patriots / Football forum
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2007, 03:37:31 PM »

Offline Roy Hobbs

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Allowing threads "to get a little testy" is never a good thing.  Baiting / trolling is not allowed, and shouldn't be allowed.  There is no reason that people on this blog can't converse and disagree without resorting to insults, name-calling, and attacking others because of their viewpoints.  Nobody is saying you can't voice your opinion; what you can't do is bait and disrespect others.

In the future, rather than close off avenues of discussion, the response from this staff is going to be to suspend and/or ban serial offenders, even if each individual offense is of a seemingly small nature.  We have rules in place for a reason, and it is time that certain posters start obeying them.

If people have a problem with the "police state" around here, that's their option.  Nobody is forcing you to post on this blog.  It's sad and unfortunate that a small group of posters feels the need to "get a little testy" to entertain themselves.  For those who find entertainment value in conflict, and are here to stir things up rather than to talk about the Celtics in a respectful way, I would suggest you move on.

All the negativity in this town sucks. It sucks, and it stinks, and it sucks. - Rick Pitino

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Re: A reminder about conduct in the Patriots / Football forum
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2007, 03:51:00 PM »

Offline moskqq

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Re Nickagneta:  Even you must see the difference between calling another poster a "dunce", "moron", an "idiot" etc. as opposed to deftly accomplishing something similar throught a substantive and well constructed counter-argument. The latter can add to our collective body of knowledge, the former undermines spirited discussion.

It's equally obvious that some posters have a strong bias and only will TOLERATE their viewpoint. Those posters that oppose biased views are considered "enemies of reason". Let the WAR of Words begin, but keep levity and diplomacy paramount!

Re: A reminder about conduct in the Patriots / Football forum
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2007, 03:52:10 PM »

Offline KuberskiIsMyHero

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Allowing threads "to get a little testy" is never a good thing.  Baiting / trolling is not allowed, and shouldn't be allowed.  There is no reason that people on this blog can't converse and disagree without resorting to insults, name-calling, and attacking others because of their viewpoints.  Nobody is saying you can't voice your opinion; what you can't do is bait and disrespect others.

In the future, rather than close off avenues of discussion, the response from this staff is going to be to suspend and/or ban serial offenders, even if each individual offense is of a seemingly small nature.  We have rules in place for a reason, and it is time that certain posters start obeying them.

If people have a problem with the "police state" around here, that's their option.  Nobody is forcing you to post on this blog.  It's sad and unfortunate that a small group of posters feels the need to "get a little testy" to entertain themselves.  For those who find entertainment value in conflict, and are here to stir things up rather than to talk about the Celtics in a respectful way, I would suggest you move on.

I don't get entertainment out of conflict, but conflict is a part of life.  It happens, and if you really feel bad about yourself because someone you never met before called you a name on the internet, well...I won't say it, for fear of the "Police State."  

Arguments get heated.  I can understand keeping racial and sexual slurs out of conversation, but calling someone a jackass is not a huge deal.  Heck, I will call myself one. I am a jackass.  I can't get banned for insulting myself, right?

All kidding aside, I think that the constant watching of what we say will truly hinder people posting on this board.  I know I was just coming around to posting more, and now I feel like I can't even disagree with anyone.  Besides, the "Good Ol' Boy" Network is in full swing, so we always know who backs up who anyway, no matter the issue.

Re: A reminder about conduct in the Patriots / Football forum
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2007, 03:58:23 PM »

Offline Roy Hobbs

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I know I was just coming around to posting more, and now I feel like I can't even disagree with anyone.

I would suggest you read moskqq's post above.

All the negativity in this town sucks. It sucks, and it stinks, and it sucks. - Rick Pitino

Portland CrotoNats:  2009 CB Draft Champions

Re: A reminder about conduct in the Patriots / Football forum
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2007, 04:01:24 PM »

Offline nickagneta

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Re Nickagneta:  Even you must see the difference between calling another poster a "dunce", "moron", an "idiot" etc. as opposed to deftly accomplishing something similar throught a substantive and well constructed counter-argument. The latter can add to our collective body of knowledge, the former undermines spirited discussion.

It's equally obvious that some posters have a strong bias and only will TOLERATE their viewpoint. Those posters that oppose biased views are considered "enemies of reason". Let the WAR of Words begin, but keep levity and diplomacy paramount!
Yes "EVEN I" can see that veiled insults are much nicer and less hurtful than when someone calls me an "idiot" to my face, especially on a thread where the discussion of behavior is being debated.

Yup "EVEN I" can figure that out!

Re: A reminder about conduct in the Patriots / Football forum
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2007, 04:04:08 PM »

Offline jbp126

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If one makes a ridiculous claim about the greatness of a team that is not the Patriots on a Patriot board and does not provide any evidence or statistic, couldn't that be a form of baiting?

Re: A reminder about conduct in the Patriots / Football forum
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2007, 04:07:20 PM »

Offline Roy Hobbs

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If one makes a ridiculous claim about the greatness of a team that is not the Patriots on a Patriot board and does not provide any evidence or statistic, couldn't that be a form of baiting?

By all means, properly refute the claim in an appropriate thread.  However, don't continually bring the Giants / Patriots into every single football thread.

Allow me to make one thing clear:  this is not solely a Patriots board.  The majority of the football fans here are Patriots fans, but that doesn't mean only the Patriots are supported.  This is an all purpose football board, and fans of any of the other 29 teams have equal rights to talk about their teams, so long as they do it in a respectful manner.

All the negativity in this town sucks. It sucks, and it stinks, and it sucks. - Rick Pitino

Portland CrotoNats:  2009 CB Draft Champions

Re: A reminder about conduct in the Patriots / Football forum
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2007, 04:09:09 PM »

Offline wdleehi

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And do remember this is the Football forum, not just the Pat forum. 

The key to all of this is respect. 

Re: A reminder about conduct in the Patriots / Football forum
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2007, 04:11:54 PM »

Offline Chris

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Re Nickagneta:  Even you must see the difference between calling another poster a "dunce", "moron", an "idiot" etc. as opposed to deftly accomplishing something similar throught a substantive and well constructed counter-argument. The latter can add to our collective body of knowledge, the former undermines spirited discussion.

It's equally obvious that some posters have a strong bias and only will TOLERATE their viewpoint. Those posters that oppose biased views are considered "enemies of reason". Let the WAR of Words begin, but keep levity and diplomacy paramount!
Yes "EVEN I" can see that veiled insults are much nicer and less hurtful than when someone calls me an "idiot" to my face, especially on a thread where the discussion of behavior is being debated.

Yup "EVEN I" can figure that out!

I think Moskqq might have mispoke there...or maybe needed to be clearer.

The whole point of this site is to share your viewpoints with others, and become aware of the points of view of others, and create discussion and discourse.  If what you are trying to do is prove someone else wrong, or make them look stupid, or anything else like that, then you don't belong here (this is not directed at you, just saying in general).

I agree with Kuberski that conflict is a part of life.  However, disrespect is not a part of this site.  Plain and simple.  You can have any opinion you want, and you can voice it as much as you want, however, if you disrespect anyone else on this site, then it is not acceptable.

Nothing else matters, its all about respect for other human beings, and showing the common curtesy that everyone deserves.  If you don't agree with that, then this is not the right site for you.

Re: A reminder about conduct in the Patriots / Football forum
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2007, 04:12:02 PM »

Offline jbp126

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I am just observing some of the posts in the game prediction threads, but I think all posters need to be very aware that this is a Patriots forum, as stated in its name, so there are going to be a majority of Patriots fans.  Posters with personal dislikes of the Pats need to have a well constructed argument or it just seems like they are trying to provoke Pats fans.

Re: A reminder about conduct in the Patriots / Football forum
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2007, 04:13:48 PM »

Offline moskqq

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Re Nickagneta;  Your last post was meant to deliver a "veiled" insult but was executed in such a CLEVER manner that it accomplished its objective in humorous fashion.

 You obviously write so well that you should forget the need for "slurs" and instead keep to the high road. Very much enjoyed your retort.

Re: A reminder about conduct in the Patriots / Football forum
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2007, 04:15:33 PM »

Offline Roy Hobbs

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but I think all posters need to be very aware that this is a Patriots forum, as stated in its name, so there are going to be a majority of Patriots fans.

This is NOT exclusively a Patriots forum.  The name of this forum is the "Patriots / Football" forum.  Discussion of all subjects related to football is allowed here.  Yes, the majority of fans here are Pats fans, but fans of other teams are allowed to voice their thoughts as much as anybody else. 

All the negativity in this town sucks. It sucks, and it stinks, and it sucks. - Rick Pitino

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