Author Topic: Hypothetically Speaking  (Read 2880 times)

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Re: Hypothetically Speaking
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2023, 09:19:22 PM »

Offline angryguy77

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I don't think it's common for people to voluntarily admit that they were wrong. My guess is that people will dig in and say that it was championship or bust. Anything else is unacceptable. Pretty wild expectations with a 34 year old Joe as the coach.

That's why Joe shouldn't have been named coach—pairing a rookie leader with a contending roster is a bad idea. The expectation were high; the Cs should've selected a coach to match those expectations.

Agreed. Because even Spo lost in his rookie coaching year with an absolutely stacked roster of Lebron Wade Bosh lol

Actually that was his fourth year as coach - he became head coach of the Heat in 2008, after being an assistant to Pat Riley since 1997. But it was his first year coaching the Big Three, and there were all the questions that Joe is facing now - why was Riley entrusting the Heat to a four year neophyte. They didn't think he could handle the egos. They didn't think he had the Xs and Os. Like some here crying for Brad to come back and take over the reins, many wanted Pat Riley to come back and not waste LeBum, Wade and Bosh's primes.  Here's an example of an article from back then:

And that's a guy who had 10 years as an assistant coach, and four years as a head coach. So when you think about Joe, you can think one (or both) of two things: 1) as a rookie head coach with zero NBA experience and not even any major college experience, he's doing ok given the circumstances; and/or 2) how the hell did he get this job? What was Brad thinking? :angel:

The question for Brad now will be - can Joe pull a Spoelstra? Or is he starting from too big a deficit? Can they afford to waste Tatum and Brown's primes, not to mention Al's sunset years, while Joe learns on the job? Riley took that chance on Spoelstra and it paid off. But Erik had more experience than Ime did when he started coaching the Big Three who were in win-now mode. How confident is Brad that Joe's got what it takes for the long haul and can he afford the time?

That Miami team made it far for the 1st year of being together.  Joe has a team who's core has already gelled.

I do wonder how people blame our players more than they do the coach, but then use spo's records as an example despite havibg a team stacked with HOF players.

Softened on Joe.

Re: Hypothetically Speaking
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2023, 09:40:48 PM »

Offline Dchuck

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If they win it all this year, that would mean a number of things....

They finally played up to their capabilities.
They played hard, tough defense
They didn't get crushed on the boards
They avg'd under 12 TOs a game
They moved the ball around
They didn't wilt under the pressure in tight games

All these outcomes are predicated on effort, energy, patience, trust, selflessness, mental toughness - all things they CAN control...even if their shots aren't falling.  Now, of course, make no mistake....they will have to have hit shots.  But all of the above will keep them in games no matter what.

I feel like these intangibles have been inconsistent all year.  A major reason why it was frustrating to watch them at times throughout the season.  They lived and died by the 3 and were able to beat much of the league because so.  But the playoffs are different.  We've been exposed because much of the above has been missing.  They showed it in spurts.  Can they show it over the next few weeks, is the question.

Re: Hypothetically Speaking
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2023, 07:39:51 AM »

Offline iadera

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If they win the series, then there is something seriously wrong about basketball.
There is a reason they lose so much, the heat is not only the better team, they are a much better team, we have better players, not a better team, the Cs is not winning this series. People in media try to hype up Cs making history because this is the only thing they can talk about now.

The only correct answer! TP for this.

Re: Hypothetically Speaking
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2023, 08:53:55 AM »

Offline Surferdad

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Let’s say the Celtics win the next three games and do what’s never been fine before, then take of the Nuggets for banner 18…
Let Grant and Muscala go.  Sign a vet big who fits better. Add Gallo and Brogdon to a championship squad.

Re: Hypothetically Speaking
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2023, 09:00:53 AM »

Offline celticinorlando

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I just want this team to play to their potential. They are so talented but take the hard way. Makes frustrating times for fans.

Re: Hypothetically Speaking
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2023, 09:13:56 AM »

Offline Redz

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I just want this team to play to their potential. They are so talented but take the hard way. Makes frustrating times for fans.

I feel like last night was a perfect microcosm of the quagmire of rooting for this team.

It was a perfectly amazing all time clutch win that sets them up for a historically great series comeback, but none of it should have been necessary if they just figured out a way to avoid maddening stretches of complete incompetence.

I just don't think there's ever been a team that has had this much success with this "formula".

And I still don't know that I have an answer to my original question in this thread.

Obviously, ecstatic that they are now in a position to win the series and head to the finals, but man...WHY???  WHY?  WHY you gotta do it this way? lol

Re: Hypothetically Speaking
« Reply #21 on: May 28, 2023, 09:38:36 AM »

Offline kraidstar

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I just want this team to play to their potential. They are so talented but take the hard way. Makes frustrating times for fans.

I feel like last night was a perfect microcosm of the quagmire of rooting for this team.

It was a perfectly amazing all time clutch win that sets them up for a historically great series comeback, but none of it should have been necessary if they just figured out a way to avoid maddening stretches of complete incompetence.

I just don't think there's ever been a team that has had this much success with this "formula".

And I still don't know that I have an answer to my original question in this thread.

Obviously, ecstatic that they are now in a position to win the series and head to the finals, but man...WHY???  WHY?  WHY you gotta do it this way? lol

I mean, playoffs are high-pressure situations. These games often are not pretty, but the fog of time obscures all the ugly moments, the turnovers and bricked 3's, and elevates the big shots and fantastic plays.

Like I said in another thread, Bird had plenty of garbage games. Same with the rest of his team. Maxwell was, in part, Finals MVP one year because Bird sucked. There are bad moments, bad games, bad series. It happens. We were tight last night and missed a lot of easy looks, and fumbled away a lot of loose balls. But that's not what is frustrating me.

I just can't deal with slowing the ball down with the lead in the 4th. It is a dog whistle to start choking and it totally gives the other team momentum. Like Tom Heinsohn used to say, it makes the other team feel like they're playing good defense, and that energizes them.

Re: Hypothetically Speaking
« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2023, 09:47:28 AM »

Offline ozgod

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I just want this team to play to their potential. They are so talented but take the hard way. Makes frustrating times for fans.

They're probably like us in real life, we don't always perform to our own's tough because when we see them at their best it makes watching them fun and comfortable and we want them to do that all the time. Ugly wins are nerve wracking but I suppose there are two teams out there and the other team is doing their best to make them not play at their best. Then you have the pressure of the situation as well, some players handle it better than others. It's not always the talent, it's whether they can execute under pressure. Less talented players who can execute under pressure will always look better than more talented players that struggle in those situations. With this team it looks like the delta between their floor and ceiling is high so they can deviate from their potential quite a bit. I honestly think their best years are still ahead of them.
Any odd typos are because I suck at typing on an iPhone :D

Re: Hypothetically Speaking
« Reply #23 on: May 28, 2023, 09:54:43 AM »

Offline ozgod

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Incidentally, just as an example of "grass is greener on the other side" syndrome, Jimmy Buckets has been getting a lot of good vibes in our forum for being Playoff Jimmy and putting the Cs to the torch...while in Miami's reddit they're calling him a fraud and that he's disappeared. People are always more unhappy with their superstars than others looking outside  :angel:

I fact I had a friend of mine who has been a Miami fan since the Shaq days text me last night saying Spoel should be fired if they end up losing the series after being up 3-0  :police:
Any odd typos are because I suck at typing on an iPhone :D

Re: Hypothetically Speaking
« Reply #24 on: May 28, 2023, 10:05:29 AM »

Offline kraidstar

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Incidentally, just as an example of "grass is greener on the other side" syndrome, Jimmy Buckets has been getting a lot of good vibes in our forum for being Playoff Jimmy and putting the Cs to the torch...while in Miami's reddit they're calling him a fraud and that he's disappeared. People are always more unhappy with their superstars than others looking outside  :angel:

I fact I had a friend of mine who has been a Miami fan since the Shaq days text me last night saying Spoel should be fired if they end up losing the series after being up 3-0  :police:
TP, that made me laugh. Much needed shadenfreude!

Re: Hypothetically Speaking
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2023, 10:46:30 AM »

Offline Kernewek

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If they win the series, then there is something seriously wrong about basketball.
There is a reason they lose so much, the heat is not only the better team, they are a much better team, we have better players, not a better team, the Cs is not winning this series. People in media try to hype up Cs making history because this is the only thing they can talk about now.

The only correct answer! TP for this.

So, friends, presuming we win this series... what exactly is seriously wrong about basketball?
Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much--the wheel, New York, wars and so on--whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time.

But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man--for precisely the same reason.

Re: Hypothetically Speaking
« Reply #26 on: May 28, 2023, 11:29:34 AM »


  • James Naismith
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I just want this team to play to their potential. They are so talented but take the hard way. Makes frustrating times for fans.

I feel like last night was a perfect microcosm of the quagmire of rooting for this team.

It was a perfectly amazing all time clutch win that sets them up for a historically great series comeback, but none of it should have been necessary if they just figured out a way to avoid maddening stretches of complete incompetence.

I just don't think there's ever been a team that has had this much success with this "formula".

And I still don't know that I have an answer to my original question in this thread.

Obviously, ecstatic that they are now in a position to win the series and head to the finals, but man...WHY??? 

WHY?  WHY you gotta do it this way? lol

We’ll see if the team answers your question,  because Charles asked Brown  last night ,  why you always got to make everything so difficult.  Like….go ahead and kick dey butt and stop the sudden death letting teams back in .

Hope the rest of the team sees this interview .