Why must you call me naive?
Would you have preferred an idealist? I just think folks with their resistance have danged us, to a dark future where people do not respect the results of elections. Do you think people are just going to put their feelings on hold, and not do as others have done to them. I hope your right. But human nature is if one side does the other side will. I wish people were not that way but we've seen it time and time again in politics. I don't think the cat will go back into the bag so easily.
So yeah, call me naive or dumb or stupid or ignorant or unable to understand the complexities of the modern political establishments and current political environment. Or laugh at my opinion and belittle and demean it like you do to so many others, but I do believe there is a chance that the American people want to be whole again and will get behind the right person and that person, because of it, would be not just a good President, but a great one.
I have never ever called you stupid. I will stay here right now I do not think you are stupid. But I don't think we will go back to an ideal political solution and that is naivety and idealism I spoke of. Folks here seem to think that if Pres. Trump is gone all will be better and that simply is not the case. Polarization of country, started long before that and now it is fashionable to demonize the other side of politics. I don't see a leader on the ballot that will change that. Which one is going to transform our politics and take us back to civility? That is a tall task with all the fake news out there that caters to bias more than facts it will be even harder. I simply do not see this happening. Folks on the right thought this after Pres. Obama and in fact, it got worse.
You have been warned and even suspended time and again for this behavior and yet you continue to be a massive...well.....people can fill in their own word.
I get warnings and suspensions from one moderator, namely you, Nick. I have been on this board for a long time over ten years. I have a ton from you and one from Roy over the years but the number has went up exponentially since you've been a mod and I had maybe one warning prior to your tenure. I am thankful you have not out right banned me, too. I know you do not like my style, my comments, nor my political views in all honesty but on the flip side, I think this board was a better place when you were not a mod. I don't expect nor I am asking you to step down, you have added so much over the years. Perhaps if we want to discuss this more we should use personal messages.
Doesn't this go against your own standards you basically insinuated that I am a @#$ in every thing but naming that. Did it bother me, heck no because I am a little more thick skinned than you. I am sure we won't be each other's best man anytime soon or making each other Godfather of our kids. Now if I did that I would have a week ban but when your a moderator I guess that this does not apply to you. In social sciences, we call this a power differential and they exist all through out society. Now please note, I am not offended and only illustrating this situation.
Heck, why must you be so disrespectful, insulting and aggressive in response to everyone's posts?
Some of what I say is jest like " don't quick your dayjob" and I got news for people talk this kind of ribbing all the time in the real world. But this kind of stuff seems to really offend you are you like this in real life? To a normal person, we let this bounce off, and jibe back but you to this is soul crushing insult and you feel the need to police this kind of ribbing. BTW the godfather and best man comment was a joke too. I don't know what kind of trauma you had in your life that you let words bother you so much.
Have a nice day, sir, and if I get permanently banned nice knowing you folks.