Author Topic: Open Thread on Rules/Restrictions  (Read 475796 times)

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Re: Locked out again....
« Reply #1035 on: May 07, 2019, 06:19:47 PM »

Offline Monkhouse

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Monkhouse - I never said anyone was FOOLISH...  I merely was stating my opinion that Stevens will still be the coach no matter how many Celtics fans think he should go.  Wow, that really is a terrible hurtful thing to say right?


IMO, Stevens' job is 100% secure so for those of you who foolishly think the Celtics should change coaches be prepared for Ainge to support him publicly.

Sounds a little bit different from what you're suggesting. But I don't think it was made with malicious intent.
"I bomb atomically, Socrates' philosophies and hypotheses
Can't define how I be dropping these mockeries."

Is the glass half-full or half-empty?
It's based on your perspective, quite simply
We're the same and we're not; know what I'm saying? Listen
Son, I ain't better than you, I just think different

Re: Locked out again....
« Reply #1036 on: May 07, 2019, 06:34:50 PM »

Offline mobilija

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Monkhouse - I never said anyone was FOOLISH...  I merely was stating my opinion that Stevens will still be the coach no matter how many Celtics fans think he should go.  Wow, that really is a terrible hurtful thing to say right?


IMO, Stevens' job is 100% secure so for those of you who foolishly think the Celtics should change coaches be prepared for Ainge to support him publicly.

Sounds a little bit different from what you're suggesting. But I don't think it was made with malicious intent.

Agree w Monkhouse. Was a bit heavy handed by Moderator but I think it was the case of a ref calling a foul before things escalated to fight and double flagrant technical ejections.

Re: Open Thread on Rules/Restrictions
« Reply #1037 on: May 07, 2019, 06:50:36 PM »

Offline nickagneta

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When the very first post of a thread is starting by saying if you disagree with me you are thinking foolishly, that thread will be locked immediately. It's all downhill from there

If you want to open another thread to discuss what you wanted to discuss, do so, just without the disrespectful assertion regarding the way others think if they don't agree you.

Re: Open Thread on Rules/Restrictions
« Reply #1038 on: May 07, 2019, 07:24:09 PM »

Online Roy H.

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When the very first post of a thread is starting by saying if you disagree with me you are thinking foolishly, that thread will be locked immediately. It's all downhill from there

If you want to open another thread to discuss what you wanted to discuss, do so, just without the disrespectful assertion regarding the way others think if they don't agree you.

With the caveat that if there’s an active thread about Stevens, we don’t really need another one. 


Re: Open Thread on Rules/Restrictions
« Reply #1039 on: May 07, 2019, 07:49:31 PM »

Offline nickagneta

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When the very first post of a thread is starting by saying if you disagree with me you are thinking foolishly, that thread will be locked immediately. It's all downhill from there

If you want to open another thread to discuss what you wanted to discuss, do so, just without the disrespectful assertion regarding the way others think if they don't agree you.

With the caveat that if there’s an active thread about Stevens, we don’t really need another one.
Yeah, once the Celtics playoff run ends, I think I am going to go clean the Stevens' threads up and merge them all into one thread. I think a hundred or so Stevens' threads are fairly unnecessary

Re: Open Thread on Rules/Restrictions
« Reply #1040 on: May 07, 2019, 09:16:07 PM »

Offline celticsclay

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When the very first post of a thread is starting by saying if you disagree with me you are thinking foolishly, that thread will be locked immediately. It's all downhill from there

If you want to open another thread to discuss what you wanted to discuss, do so, just without the disrespectful assertion regarding the way others think if they don't agree you.

With the caveat that if there’s an active thread about Stevens, we don’t really need another one.
Yeah, once the Celtics playoff run ends, I think I am going to go clean the Stevens' threads up and merge them all into one thread. I think a hundred or so Stevens' threads are fairly unnecessary

Ironically people won’t really want to talk about this more than a week from now.

Re: Open Thread on Rules/Restrictions
« Reply #1041 on: May 21, 2019, 12:42:45 PM »

Offline IDreamCeltics

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I'm wondering if members of the site would be interested in being able to vote on rule changes to the site via polls. 

Much like the way Brad Stevens' implements a participatory democracy among his players we could all have a say in the direction of the site.  Seems like something that we could definitely start doing.

Re: Open Thread on Rules/Restrictions
« Reply #1042 on: May 21, 2019, 01:01:43 PM »

Offline nickagneta

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I'm wondering if members of the site would be interested in being able to vote on rule changes to the site via polls. 

Much like the way Brad Stevens' implements a participatory democracy among his players we could all have a say in the direction of the site.  Seems like something that we could definitely start doing.
Do you have any suggestions for which rules you would want changed?

Re: This Ukraine thing (aka, the impeachment thing)
« Reply #1043 on: October 19, 2019, 10:17:24 AM »

Offline nickagneta

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If Hillary came after Trump as President and had to fix everything Trump broke in America, I would say she has a good chance of being a good President, but I think any person who succeeds Trump has that chance to be a good President because they stand a great chance at being able to heal this country from Trump.

I think the "resistance" has opened a can of worms that won't go back into the can.    It's true the GOP obstructed Pres. Obama, and some people but nothing like the stuff we've seen with Pres. Trump.   Do you really think the other side is going to support the next leader given how tons of people were out against Pres. Trump night and day?   I think you're pretty naive if you think this will be the case.

Hillary is not charismatic and could not defeat the worst candidate who has ever ran for the high office.   She also has tons of dirt, some of it real ( the like deleting emails and the Goldman Sachs speech for money) and some of GOP propaganda.   I think she would have done Ok but I doubt she would be popular.   My one year old shoe has more charisma than her.
Why must you call me naive?

Heck, why must you be so disrespectful, insulting and aggressive in response to everyone's posts?

You have been warned and even suspended time and again for this behavior and yet you continue to be a massive...well.....people can fill in their own word.

I am naive? No. I said there is a chance someone could become a good President because they could help the country heal. I do believe this country isn't beyond fixing. I believe in the American spirit. I believe America, as a whole, needs someone to undo much of the hurt and division that has taken place. And because I believe in that, I believe there is a chance for someone to be elected and for that person to start to heal the division and hurt that this administration has caused.

It could be anyone. It could be a Republican or Democrat. It could be a man or a woman.   But the next President will face having a very sick and broken country and if they can heal and fix it, that President would be considered a good President.

So yeah, call me naive or dumb or stupid or ignorant or unable to understand the complexities of the modern political establishments and current political environment. Or laugh at my opinion and belittle and demean it like you do to so many others, but I do believe there is a chance that the American people want to be whole again and will get behind the right person and that person, because of it, would be not just a good President, but a great one.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2019, 10:39:53 AM by nickagneta »

Re: Re: This Ukraine thing (aka, the impeachment thing)
« Reply #1044 on: October 19, 2019, 11:37:59 AM »

Offline Celtics4ever

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Why must you call me naive?

Would you have preferred an idealist?  I just think folks with their resistance have danged us, to a dark future where people do not respect the results  of elections.  Do you think people are just going to put their feelings on hold, and not do as others have done to them.   I hope your right.   But human nature is if one side does the other side will.  I wish people were not that way but we've seen it time and time again in politics.  I don't think the cat will go back into the bag so easily.

So yeah, call me naive or dumb or stupid or ignorant or unable to understand the complexities of the modern political establishments and current political environment. Or laugh at my opinion and belittle and demean it like you do to so many others, but I do believe there is a chance that the American people want to be whole again and will get behind the right person and that person, because of it, would be not just a good President, but a great one.

I  have never ever called you stupid.    I will stay here right now I do not think you are stupid.   But I don't think we will go back to an ideal political solution and that is naivety and idealism I spoke of.   Folks here seem to think that if Pres. Trump is gone all will be better and that simply is not the case.   Polarization of country, started long before that and now it is fashionable to demonize the other side of politics.   I don't see a leader on the ballot that will change that.  Which one is going to transform our politics and take us back to civility?   That is a tall task with all the fake news out there that caters to bias more than facts it will be even harder.  I simply do not see this happening.   Folks on the right thought this after Pres. Obama and in fact, it got worse.

You have been warned and even suspended time and again for this behavior and yet you continue to be a massive...well.....people can fill in their own word.

I get warnings and suspensions from one moderator, namely you, Nick.    I have been on this board for a long time over ten years.   I have a ton from you and one from Roy over the years but the number has went up exponentially since you've been a mod and I had maybe one warning prior to your tenure.    I am thankful you have not out right banned me, too.   I know you do not like my style, my comments, nor my political views in all honesty but on the flip side,  I think this board was a better place when you were not a mod.   I don't expect nor I am asking you to step down, you have added so much over the years.  Perhaps if we want to discuss this more we should use personal messages.     

Doesn't this go against your own standards you basically insinuated that I am a @#$ in every thing but naming that.  Did it bother me, heck no because I am a little more thick skinned than you.    I am sure we won't be each other's best man anytime soon or making each other Godfather of our kids.  Now if I did that I would have a week ban but when your a moderator I guess that this does not apply to you.   In social sciences, we call this a power differential and they exist all through out society.   Now please note, I am not offended and only illustrating this situation.   

Heck, why must you be so disrespectful, insulting and aggressive in response to everyone's posts?

Some of what I say is jest like " don't quick your dayjob" and I got news for people talk this kind of ribbing all the time in the real world.   But this kind of stuff seems to really offend you are you like this in real life?   To a normal person, we let this bounce off, and jibe back but you to this is soul crushing insult and you feel the need to police this kind of ribbing.    BTW the godfather and best man comment was a joke too.   I don't know what kind of trauma you had in your life that you let words bother you so much.

Have a nice day, sir, and if I get permanently banned nice knowing you folks.

Re: Open Thread on Rules/Restrictions
« Reply #1045 on: October 19, 2019, 12:20:08 PM »

Online Roy H.

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The above conversation is probably one that should be done via PMs, but for now, this is the appropriate thread for it.

For the record, I think nick has been a great addition to the staff.  Quite frankly, as the staff from around 2005 to 2008 or so has aged, married, began careers, etc., we have been short-handed over the past few years.  Since nick has been on board, things have tightened up a bit, with members being asked to be more consistent following our rules.

All of us have different styles, and yes, I recognize that sometimes we can come off abrasively.  If frustrations show through from time to time, it's because we have usually approached the same members again and again about toning it down a bit.  That doesn't mean we're perfect.  The best thing to do, if you feel unfairly picked on by a member of the staff, is to reach out via PM, either to that staff member or to one of the rest of us.  Even if we come across as hard asses from time to time, nobody wants anybody who is here in good faith to be banned.


Re: Open Thread on Rules/Restrictions
« Reply #1046 on: June 23, 2023, 12:48:54 AM »

Offline Boss_D

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Cant find rules on thread locking