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Did getting older change the way you view pro sports?

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Specifically, did your perception, commitment, or beliefs on pro sports change when you became older than most of the athletes?

Yep, learned more about the sports. I can debate better because of the gained knowledge. I hate less players because I can look past the simplicity of them being a rival, although I still hate LBJ the player. Can appreciate what LBJ does outside of the game, things I would not have cared about in my youth. Most of all, while I don't like being wrong, I can now accept it and admit it. Sometimes I don't know what the hell I'm talking about and I accept that people with more knowledge of the game are probably often right about something I see differently because I don't have the knowledge or experience... no matter how much my heart says that ish don't make sense! ;)

Boris Badenov:
I’m more impressed now by how many of these kids show dedication, professionalism and maturity at such young ages, on and off the court...especially coming from tough backgrounds in a lot of cases. We hear the bad stories but there are a lot of successes too, we just tend not to hear about them.

I was such an immature imbecile until my mid-20s at least, I almost certainly would have blown it one way or another.

I understand the game better, understand the players more as people than as pieces on a board, but mostly I stopped getting mad/upset when my teams didn't do the things I wanted them to. A lot more appreciation of the game and the fun of just enjoying rooting for a team.

My views have not changed, but the game and the players have - and not for the best.


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