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Re: Update and thankyou
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2018, 03:06:24 PM »

Offline FLCeltsFan

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I'm sorry that it's been awhile since I've given an update but things haven't changed a whole lot.  We finally were able to find a contractor that at least came by to give us an estimate that was reasonable.  We have told them we will hire them but haven't heard back so we still have a big hole in the kitchen ceiling but at least have hopes of getting it fixed. 

We also got a tree company to get rid of the trees out of the front yard but they haven't returned to do the back yet. 

We have 2 temporary buildings coming to try to store the stuff that wasn't ruined from the storage bldg in the back but haven't been able to get someone to help get the roof off that is sitting directly on the shelves etc after the walls collapsed. 

Still no cable, internet, heat or hot water.  I sure do miss watching my Celtics.  They aren't giving is an estimate of when we will get cable service back as yet. 

This area is still a disaster area.  The streets and roads are all lined with big piles of cut up trees and debris.  They say they have already picked up over a million cubic feet of debris, it hasn't even made a dent.  Some businesses have reopened but many won't be returning.  Most don't have phone or internet and so are limited even if they are open. 

We also have several tent cities in the area where those who lost everything have gathered to live in tents.  At last report they delivered fewer than 100 fema trailers but there are thousands homeless here. 
We are among the more fortunate in that we still are able to live in the house even though it is badly damaged. 

Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers.   We are making some progress but it is slow and it takes so much effort to get anything done.  We still have a long haul to get back to normal but at least things are getting a little better. 

Re: Update and thankyou
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2018, 12:53:17 PM »

Offline FLCeltsFan

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We signed a contractor finally. We have an electrician working on the electric today so maybe we can get some hot water finally. 

We finally got a partial payment from the insurance company to get started on the repairs.  Still no cable, internet or phone.  I am hopeful that we will get it soon as we are approaching 2 months since the storm and I have seen Comcast trucks in the area just not on our street yet.  But things are finally starting to move. 

Re: Update and thankyou
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2018, 02:00:39 PM »

Offline nickagneta

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We signed a contractor finally. We have an electrician working on the electric today so maybe we can get some hot water finally. 

We finally got a partial payment from the insurance company to get started on the repairs.  Still no cable, internet or phone.  I am hopeful that we will get it soon as we are approaching 2 months since the storm and I have seen Comcast trucks in the area just not on our street yet.  But things are finally starting to move.
So glad to hear Shirley. I can't imagine not having hot water for showers or any air conditioning in Florida for two months. Stay strong. Things seem to definitely be getting better

Re: Update and thankyou
« Reply #18 on: December 01, 2018, 10:36:39 PM »

Offline hwangjini_1

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We signed a contractor finally. We have an electrician working on the electric today so maybe we can get some hot water finally. 

We finally got a partial payment from the insurance company to get started on the repairs.  Still no cable, internet or phone.  I am hopeful that we will get it soon as we are approaching 2 months since the storm and I have seen Comcast trucks in the area just not on our street yet.  But things are finally starting to move.
hi flc. good to hear life is being restored. we all await you here. good luck to you.
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Re: Update and thankyou
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2018, 10:40:47 PM »

Offline blink

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We signed a contractor finally. We have an electrician working on the electric today so maybe we can get some hot water finally. 

We finally got a partial payment from the insurance company to get started on the repairs.  Still no cable, internet or phone.  I am hopeful that we will get it soon as we are approaching 2 months since the storm and I have seen Comcast trucks in the area just not on our street yet.  But things are finally starting to move.

hey FLC - Glad to hear some good news and that things are slowly starting to get rebuilt.

Re: Update and thankyou
« Reply #20 on: December 01, 2018, 10:45:57 PM »

Offline trickybilly

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This is like a Hayward-watch thread. C'mon FLCelts!!! Get that hot water! (Seriously, that must be so frustrating)

Great game today for Hayward, so I am assuming that portends the same for your situation soon.
"Gimme the ball, gimme the ball". Freddy Quimby, 1994.

Re: Update and thankyou
« Reply #21 on: December 07, 2018, 12:03:32 PM »

Offline FLCeltsFan

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Another update and a little more progress.  Still no cable, internet or home phone.  Comcast is in the neighborhood with guys working pretty much day and night do we are hoping soon. 

Still no work on the house but we paid for the permits and the contractor said they will start work soon.  The end of the house needs entirely rebuilt before they can put the new roof on. 

I can't thank the Celtics community  enough for your generosity   The funds from Celtics Strong came right when we needed them to pay the tree guys to get the trees off the house and out of the front yard.  We also were able to get an electrician in this week to connect a temporary hot water heater to allow me the first hot shower since Oct10.  It was heavenly.  We also were able to pay for the permits to get the contractor started on the repairs.

It also helped us to meet our deductable that was pretty high for us.  We still have so much to do but things are at least moving.  Those funds were literally a life saver and I can't ever thank you enough!!

We just learned that our only mall in the area will not be reopening and one of our hospitals is closing as well.  1500 people found out this weekend they no longer have jobs. 

3800 children in our school district are homeless due to the hurricane.  75% of the trees in the county were lost and 80%of the buildings in the county were either severely damaged or destroyed.  They had to replace over 7000 telephone poles and rebuild the entire grid for electric, phone and cable. 

So many businesses are announcing that they won't rebuild or are leaving the area and the ones staying and open are swamped so there are lines everywhere.  My doctor is leaving the area and won't reopen so I have to find a new doctor among the few who are still here. 

But things are slowly getting better.  We were able to finally get an insurance payment and we have a temporary bldg to move things into while they fix the end of the house.   

We still have to try to find a crane to lift the roof off of our storage building so we can document everything that was destroyed in there.  That's going to be a huge job and I'm not looking forward to it.  Maybe it's good we don't have cable because we have nothing better to do than work on stuff that needs done.   I sure do miss watching the Celtics though. 
« Last Edit: December 07, 2018, 12:11:37 PM by FLCeltsFan »

Re: Update and thankyou
« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2018, 04:24:53 PM »

Offline thirstyboots18

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Sending prayers FL that progress speeds up on the recovery from the storm.   Thinking of you.
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Re: Update and thankyou
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2018, 04:48:11 PM »


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This is so otherworldly and hard to imagine... all the best, FL! <3

Re: Update and thankyou
« Reply #24 on: December 13, 2018, 02:56:01 PM »

Offline FLCeltsFan

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We still are waiting on the contractors to do something do we still have a big hole in our roof on both ends but hopefully they will start soon. 

We still have no landline and so my heart monitor is still not functioning.  We can't get heat because we have gas heat and the line is crimped where it comes in and they won't turn on the gas until the end of the house that was destroyed is fixed.  It has been getting into the 30s at night this past week and we even had a hard frost Tuesday night and we've had to dress warm inside.  It's supposed to warm up this week a little hopefully. 

Still no cable or internet either.  They are trying to charge us for League Pass and I would gladly pay if we could get the broadband option to at least watch on the phone but for some odd reason it says Xfinity isn't participating this year.  I really have to get a new provider for LP next season.  That's ridiculous not to offer the broadband option.  So I call them regularly to complain and try to get an estimate for when they will have cable back but so far all I get is we don't know. 

One of our hospitals is closing along with the mall and quite a few other businesses that don't plan to reopen.  There is a medical crisis blooming in that many doctors, including mine,  are leaving the area after their homes or offices were damaged beyond repair.  The few remaining doctors that can open are swamped and it's next to impossible to get an appointment.   

The streets are still lined with piles of debris even though they have been working around the clock to pick it up.  They say it may take up to a year to get it all. 

We have so many homeless people who lost everything and don't have the option of leaving the area.  There just isn't any housing with so much having been destroyed. 

Cell service is getting a little better but it still is spotty at times.  I'm thankful for Walmart and Sam's as they have been open since right after the storm and so we can get necessities.  Gas is expensive in the area but available thankfully. 

I've been listening to the games and really wish I could watch them. They are playing great, even very shorthanded.   I LOVE Marcus Smart!  The kid is a winner!! 

Well that's my update for today.  Thank you again for your kindness and your generosity and your thoughts and prayers.  I get through by thinking of all of you and know that this too shall pass. 

Re: Update and thankyou
« Reply #25 on: December 16, 2018, 11:50:12 AM »

Online Phantom255x

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Wow, sending prayers @FLCeltsFan! Hope everything works out.  :)

That just sounds surreal and I'm sure it's frustrating.

@Nick has done a fantastic job but it still feels like something is missing when the game threads are made/posted here  :(
"Tough times never last, but tough people do." - Robert H. Schuller

Re: Update and thankyou
« Reply #26 on: December 16, 2018, 12:21:19 PM »

Offline slamtheking

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so sorry to hear there's been little progress with getting your home repaired and services restored FL. 

Re: Update and thankyou
« Reply #27 on: December 16, 2018, 12:49:27 PM »

Offline mmmmm

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So glad to know that you are "okay" (obviously that's relative and not meant to diminish the struggles you and others in the area are going through).

These are tough times for lots of folks who have been hit by terrible storms and fires and other disasters, both natural and unnatural.   It is important for us all to support each other.  It is far too easy to forget about these tragedies once they are off the main news headlines and just assume all the real, living people are able to just pick up right from where things were before the storm.  But the truth is that the impact can linger for years and years.  People are STILL hurting from the impact of Katrina.   People will be feeling the impact of the hurricanes from the last couple of years in Florida, Puerto Rico, Texas and other places for years to come.   Some areas will never recover.

And as the planet continues to heat up, these storms are just going to get worse.

NBA Officiating - Corrupt?  Incompetent?  Which is worse?  Does it matter?  It sucks.

Re: Update and thankyou
« Reply #28 on: December 16, 2018, 12:59:32 PM »

Offline kraidstar

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So glad to know that you are "okay" (obviously that's relative and not meant to diminish the struggles you and others in the area are going through).

These are tough times for lots of folks who have been hit by terrible storms and fires and other disasters, both natural and unnatural.   It is important for us all to support each other.  It is far too easy to forget about these tragedies once they are off the main news headlines and just assume all the real, living people are able to just pick up right from where things were before the storm.  But the truth is that the impact can linger for years and years.  People are STILL hurting from the impact of Katrina.   People will be feeling the impact of the hurricanes from the last couple of years in Florida, Puerto Rico, Texas and other places for years to come.   Some areas will never recover.

And as the planet continues to heat up, these storms are just going to get worse.

TP. We hear about the suffering and devastation to a community from one of our own, and it brings home how hard the human experience can be.

And millions of Puerto Ricans faced similar battles and much of the country turned a blind eye. That same, priceless human empathy and agency are absent.

Largely due to corrupt politics.  >:(

Re: Update and thankyou
« Reply #29 on: December 17, 2018, 09:41:45 PM »

Offline FLCeltsFan

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Well, still no Comcast or phone and no water again.  Still no roof either BUT we were able to get a hot spot that seems to be working pretty well.  I'm going to try to do a links article tomorrow and if that works out I may be able to do a game thread for Wednesday's game.  I'm so excited to be able to be online again and not have to look at everything in tiny little letters on my phone.  I may even get ambitious and try to do a Comments from the Other Side if the hot spot isn't too laggy.