First of all I want to say thank you to everyone for all the love and support from everyone in this community. I am so humbled by it.
I finally got a phone that I can use to post here. The signal is still spotty at times but at least it will allow me to check in and maybe listen to some games. Things are slowly getting better and I am thankful for that.
This area was so devastated. I cry every time I drive anywhere here. The storm took out every power pole and just about every tree. It was amazing that we had power back a little over 2 weeks. We finally got running water back yesterday.
We don't have cable or internet as yet and probably won't for awhile as they have to restring every line and reconnect every house in the county.
We don't have hot water since the gas lines have to be run again also. Cold showers are the norm. No air conditioning either as the ductwork has to be redone. As with everything, they put you on a waiting list and it may be December before they can get to us. Businesses will have priority.
We still have a big hole in both ends of the house but have tarps over the roof to hopefully keep the elements out. It does leak still when it rains. We have our name in with a few contractors but with every home and business in the county damaged, even with contractors from out of state here helping, there is a huge wait for help. It will probably be months until we can get it fixed.
Some stores and gas stations are opening finally, but there is a line to do anything. So many stores will probably not recover from this. We are fortunate that we can still live in the house. So many people lost everything.
No matter where you go, the roads and streets are lined with trees that have been snapped off like twigs. I posted some pictures on Instagram from my son's phone a week after. It really looks like a war zone with so much destruction.
I have missed my Celtics family so much and can't wait to be able to do game threads again. I'm hoping Comcast hurries up and gets their lines up. But even then, I'm not sure if they can run them into the house because of all the damaged on that end of the house.
But please know that the second we get internet I will be back to doing game threads. I love you all and will try to post more now that I have a phone that will let me.